NOTICE Forum Login Changes (1.Viewing)

ADMINADMIN is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
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The following login changes have been made....

Any previously registered member not using an avatar will get a message, and a link, asking them to set an avatar before they can proceed with viewing the board.

2. Guests must now upload an avatar during the registration process.

3. Users registering, that have not confirmed their email address, cannot view the forum until the email address is confirmed.

4. Guests can view 6 forum topics and are shown a countdown after the second topic view, upon reaching the limit they must register to continue using our resources.

We have hundreds of visitors viewing content that don't bother to register. The new viewing restrictions will allow them to consume content but after 6 DIFFERENT TOPIC views they will have to register to continue. They can view the same topics as many times as they like but to view a 7th TOPIC they will have to register.

This will not affect our google rankings because search bots are set to bypass the restrictions.
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If you want to see the TOPIC VIEW counter in action, log out and start viewing topics.

Note, you can view the same topics as many times as you like and we are talking about topic views not page views.

In other words, you can scan the site and look around as much as you like until you get into actual topic views. Index views and forum views do not count towards the number.
We have also tuned our search parameters.

You can now search for a little as two letters so if you wanted to see all titles that contain .ca you could enter that and wow all results are shown.

The search defaults to searching titles and you can switch it to post content.

So if you want to search for and in all titles just enter red. - that is red followed by a dot like this red.

That will show red in every extension.

Our forum has a unique search, that allows you to display all extensions if you search the domain followed by a dot. I know of no other forum that does that or that allows you to search down to two letters. It's database intensive but with our new cloud servers this is something we can offer to our members.

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