GAME: My favourite word (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
[h]This fun game is super easy, just post your favourite word and why...[/h]


What is an example of acquiescence?

The definition of acquiescence is the act of agreeing to something by being silent. ... Acquiescence is defined as the act of giving in to something or someone, often a bit reluctantly. An example of acquiescence is when a teacher gives in to students' requests for extra recess time.

Acquiesce Sentence Examples
He will acquiesce simply because he is a sick man.
Will they acquiesce in that sorry state of affairs?
But surely serious thought cannot acquiesce in a dual control.
The committee will acquiesce in any decision on which it is not fully informed.

You can even make the word longer with acquiescence.

In my lifetime I have never met anyone that was able to spell the word acquiescence.

I have won so many free beers at the bar it's not even funny.

NOBODY... and I mean NOBODY has ever spelled it correctly when I asked.
My favourite word is a word I learned from my 19 year old awesome Daughter just this year. It’s POG! The below is from the Urban dictionary.

How POG is that?

I think my favourite word (or at least one of them) is "hence", I'm always happy when there's an opportunity to use it.

I learned it back from the commodore 64 computer groups. There was one called "SUCCESS" and their slogan was "hence the name". Not sure why I like it so much, but it stuck with me.
Nafti said:
My favourite word is a word I learned from my 19 year old awesome Daughter just this year. It’s POG! The below is from the Urban dictionary.

How POG is that?

You probably also know "sus" then. Seems to have originated from the game "Among Us", but I'm not sure. Short for "suspect".
FM said:
You probably also know "sus" then. Seems to have originated from the game "Among Us", but I'm not sure. Short for "suspect".

I use the word “sus”. If I didn’t have a kid, I wouldn’t know any of these sayings. Sure has changed a lot since I was in school.
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