Get Dave Lahoti to sell me (1.Viewing)

Those guys look a bit slimy to me but here is my advice...

Stop bickering and make an offer, if Dave has not contacted you then your offer was not good enough. If your company is really that great fund raise and increase your offer or shut up and add a second word.
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Who would've thought that an Andrew Tate wannabe, filming TikToks with his boyfriend in daddy's ten-year-old Panamera, in an attempt to sell a useless course on a topic he knows nothing about, is actually an unoriginal piece of :poop:?
These 'buyers' are complete idiots and deserve the very public ass whooping that is probably heading their way via Dave, who is a very sharp cookie and also very litigious.

There's a right and a wrong way to go about buying a domain, and these obnoxious and entitled clowns double-downed on wrong.

There's a right and a wrong way to go about buying a domain, and these obnoxious and entitled clowns double-downed on wrong.

This is not about buying a domain anymore (if it ever was), and now they're clearly trying to create a viral promotional campaign for their business.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free for everyone.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free.

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