Get Dave Lahoti to sell me (1.Viewing)

Who would've thought that an Andrew Tate wannabe, filming TikToks with his boyfriend in daddy's ten-year-old Panamera, in an attempt to sell a useless course on a topic he knows nothing about, is actually an unoriginal piece of :poop:?
These 'buyers' are complete idiots and deserve the very public ass whooping that is probably heading their way via Dave, who is a very sharp cookie and also very litigious.

There's a right and a wrong way to go about buying a domain, and these obnoxious and entitled clowns double-downed on wrong.

There's a right and a wrong way to go about buying a domain, and these obnoxious and entitled clowns double-downed on wrong.

This is not about buying a domain anymore (if it ever was), and now they're clearly trying to create a viral promotional campaign for their business.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free for everyone.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free.

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