@MapleDots can you email me a summary of this issue & feedback to jiles@godaddy.com? I'd like to let the relevant departments know that this is potentially confusing.
I'm not sure if it's something that needs to be addresses James
I think we're just blowing off some steam here, fact is I enjoy getting the emails, they remind me of what domains I'm watching.
The only issue is the auctions self renew and technically there is nothing expiring but if they did not renew then I would not get an email and like I said I enjoy getting them.
Probably would be better worded as a monthly summary of watched domains or something.
Thanks for clarifying. I can work out who to chat to in order to change that. If it does need changing, I might chat with you and some other .ca investors to see what you'd like the wording to be... but that might be down the road some way!