Going live with Adam Dicker (1.Viewing)

I saw the thread, and I literally read it as "Going to live with Adam Dicker".

Hmmm, this should be interesting....
DomainRecap said:
I saw the thread, and I literally read it as "Going to live with Adam Dicker".

Hmmm, this should be interesting....

I know where the party would be at every weekend. I would be inviting myself.
[notify]AdamDicker[/notify], excellent interview. Congratulations on your sale already this year of a 2 letter .ca for $200,000 USD. Are you able to disclose which name you sold and will you be reporting this one? Or which marketplace it sold at?
Thanks very much for the kind words.
So far I have done about 6 interviews with Helmuts and I will post the link here in case you want to see others.

The channel is here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpQ-OMrOVl9sP0WwyXLpAabKwCfCAlV4J

As far as the domain that sold, I will post it here as soon as it closes, which should be early next week.
I will also be working hard to build the value of the .ca cctld because I believe in it, and that should help us all.

Due to Covid, I do not plan on having anyone live with me, but yes would be a hell of a good party.


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