Google Search's Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked (2 Viewing)

Gold Notable Member
Jul 3, 2021
Toronto, ON
Google denies using some factors for ranking, but the leaked documents show they do. Clicks are a factor in ranking. Links are still important, and Google considers the quality of the links pointing to a site.
  • Exact Match Domains Demotion – In late 2012, Matt Cutts announced that exact match domains would not get as much value as they did historically. There is a specific feature for their demotion.

Domain Registration Info is Stored About the Pages​

It’s been a long running conspiracy theory that Google’s status as a registrar feeds the algorithm. We can upgrade to a conspiracy fact. They store the latest registration information on a composite document level.

As previously discussed, this is likely used to inform sandboxing of new content. It may also be used to sandbox a previously registered domain that has changed ownership. I suspect the weight on this has been recently turned up with the introduction of the expired domain abuse spam policy.
Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked
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Interesting. That could hurt the values of some of these crappy TBR domains we see get run up beyond any normal reseller value.
Interesting. That could hurt the values of some of these crappy TBR domains we see get run up beyond any normal reseller value.

I will never understand those, I know its about backlinks and traffic but one of the things I hate the most about the internet is when I get redirected to where I don't want to be. Anyone using backlinks from a previous site forwarding me to something else garners nothing but my wrath. I traditionally make it a point not to engage with sites that do that.

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