MapleDots said:Welcome aboard aactive, I see you are from my stomping grounds?
Your website is pretty incredible with a super domain name.
WOW, great job!!
Nafti said:Welcome to the forum.
Do you have an online portfolio?
aactive said:Don't have one. I am more focused on development in the candy space. I have owned a few good .ca's in the past. (,,,, and a few others). I dabble a bit in the TBR in the past year:,, (I like this one, probably because I'm old).
MapleDots said:Ahh, now I put it together
Why are you using candycrave instead of
Are you hoping to sell
PS. I think I saw you on another forum because I remember commenting on your website once before.
domains said:Welcome to the forum!
How do you source the candy for your online store, do you use dropshipping or keep an inventory, have a physical store? It is a pretty competitive market I'd imagine. I think I have a few candy .ca's, like mycandy and candyplus.
LovelyLynda said:Lovely to meet you aactive, I can't ever go back to your website, my hips won't stand for it
Nafti said:After clicking on your profile page, I now know who you are. I had an idea before but now I know. I was actually reading an article on you not long ago. Don’t ask me what it was about though. :lol: But I do remember it was a major publication.
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