Hang your head in shame domains (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

We all own one or two domains we wish we did not own.

I bought one on tbr today... are you ready?


If you have to ask you won't understand

What domain do you own that makes you hang your head in shame?
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Great thread [notify]MapleDots[/notify] We all certainly have many of these..more than one for sure..but I couldn't remember everything.. trying to forget my own mistakes!!
I once registered ALaCart ca - I knew it was traditionally A La Carte, but for some reason I thought A La Cart was an Anglicized version of the term. Nope, that was just people either misspelling it or stylizing it as a brand.

I also blame Toronto for their fiasco of a food services business development plan called A La Cart. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2010/09/19/toronto_a_la_cart_called_an_a_la_failure.html

Zero interest and zero clicks but thankfully I bought it during a cheap registration sale.
rlm said:
Normly I gotta purty gud eye fir spellin. In fakt, jus a cupl mons ago I got a reel bargun wen I bout concious for jus 20 buks.

I advertised lris.ca at 1,250 and contacted iris.ca telling them they could have the mispell for 1k which is $250 cheaper than what I advertised it for on dan.

iris has 40 stores and lris.ca looks identical in print, lets see if I get a response.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that makes a blunder once in a while.
I probably have a few names that I currently own under the category of “What was I thinking”. One that comes to mind is BathTowel.ca. When I won it in TBR about 9 years ago, I thought it was a good name. To this day, I still have no idea what I was thinking. I only still own it because Rebel has an automatic renew. I should have canceled the domain years ago but nope, I like throwing away money I guess.

If anyone wants it for free, I will throw in a free bar of soap. :)
Nafti said:
I probably have a few names that I currently own under the category of “What was I thinking”. One that comes to mind is BathTowel.ca. When I won it in TBR about 9 years ago, I thought it was a good name. To this day, I still have no idea what I was thinking. I only still own it because Rebel has an automatic renew. I should have canceled the domain years ago but nope, I like throwing away money I guess.

If anyone wants it for free, I will throw in a free bar of soap. :)

I have many like that as well but then years go by and eventually you sell one and you wonder how the heck you were able to sell a domain like that. It makes it worse for all of the other ones you own that will potentially never sell. Most of the ones like that are .com so I think the bigger audience helps.
Just don't be a babboon this week.
Develop said:
Current auction at Godaddy.

lnform.com - $6100 - 6d left

The bidder must not know it's a typo, right?
What happens when the auction is complete and they finally realize their mistake?

Yikes... :eek:


I found lmpact (Lmpact) which was sold by HugeDomains. Another accident?
The only shameful domain I've owned wasn't under the same circumstances, but proved to be extremely embarrassing.

It was an x-rated domain and it was the only one I ever bought... only because it was super aged (1998) and in GD's closeouts inventory. Anyway, I go to meet my gf's parents' for the first (or second?) time and I tell them all about domains. I then show my gf's father my portfolio since he was interested and the first domain in view is the only x-rated domain I own, since it started with "18".... It certainly made for an awkward moment but I explained why I bought it and we kinda laughed it off... but damn it was embarrassing. No more porno domains for me, that's for sure.

And here's a somewhat recent, and extreme example, where someone fell for a typo mistake:

Not sure if they ever paid, but the registrant's info kind of suggest they didn't imo. I think people gave dynadot some backlash over it:

Bought precison at TBR for $175 in 2013
Thought I got a steal not catching it was a mis spell until it hit my account and saw it *WALL* *DONT_KNOW*

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