Has anyone ever successfully negotiated with HugeDomains? (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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There are a number of domains I would like from HugeDomains that are listed between 2-3k

I have tried a few times to negotiate with no luck.

Has anyone ever been successful with negotiating a purchase at HugeDomains?

If so, how did you do it, be detailed if possible.
They owned my full name in .COM. It was priced at 3K and after a couple of years they just let it drop and I got it at reg fee.

This may not be helpful to your current situation, but moral of the story is that if you're willing to wait you might be able to get it for ~$10. The chances of this happening of course also depends on the domain itself, and how many other people might have their eye on it.
Never, but I've heard that the agents have more flexibility towards the end of the month and quarter in order to meet their numbers.

Also, as [notify]Esdiel[/notify] said...they drop a ton of names too so if you can wait it out, you might get the namel via the drops or ever hand-reg

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