Heavyweight Twitter Debate Happening Today (1 Viewing)

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GeorgeK said:
Berryhill definitely has "ire" -- we had a falling out long ago (more than 10 years ago), which I'll leave at that.

Ahhh. OK. Well from his tone & actions it was obvious he wasn't exactly your biggest fan - I just didn't know if it was mutual or if you even knew what caused the ire, which now I realize you do. So this isn't really a mystery here, this is two proud/stubborn/principled people with a bit of old history relishing in pushing each other's buttons. I'm not saying you shouldn't, but it just explains a lot to the rest of us.

For what it's worth, based on what little I know, I'd say his potshot at you slightly tarnished his own reputation more than his words tarnished yours.
rlm said:
Ahhh. OK. Well from his tone & actions it was obvious he wasn't exactly your biggest fan - I just didn't know if it was mutual or if you even knew what caused the ire, which now I realize you do. So this isn't really a mystery here, this is two proud/stubborn/principled people with a bit of old history relishing in pushing each other's buttons. I'm not saying you shouldn't, but it just explains a lot to the rest of us.

For what it's worth, based on what little I know, I'd say his potshot at you slightly tarnished his own reputation more than his words tarnished yours.

That's an interesting theory, but I'll leave it at "we had a falling out long ago" at this time, without further details.

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