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Feb 6, 2024
My name is Wayne. I'm a full time IT professional and part time domainer, with an entrepreneurial spirit.

I got into the domain name business by happenstance.

I decided to try my hand at affiliate marketing in the newly regulated Ontario gaming industry and I purchased several relevant domain names and a VPS server to host them on. My goal was to put some useful content on the domains, and let them 'gestate' in the search engines for a few years, and flip the server - including content and domains - for a profit.

One day I received an email from Godaddy stating that someone was interested in purchasing one of my domain names. They didn't say who. I told them I wasn't interested in selling as the domains were for a project, and thanked them for the offer. The Godaddy representative then emailed me back, stating "Everyone has a price. Name yours". I laughed, and didn't think too much of it. Long story short, I ended up selling the domain for an excellent return on investment. I did not realize that domains were as valuable as they are without website content and/or traffic.

Although the ROI was excellent, in retrospect I could have sold it for a lot more money. However, what I didn't get financially I certainly made up for in education. Not only did I learn that domain names were very valuable assets (more valuable than I had previously thought), but I also learned a lot about trademarks, how they work, how to search them and how to file my own. I also learned about cybersquatting and UDRP. This knowledge will probably save me much trouble in the future, as far as registering trademarked domains go.

Since I got the best ROI I have ever made without trying, I decided to try.

I re-invested in domain names, and currently have a portfolio of Canadian gaming domains, as well as some others - such as financial, business and crypto domains. My niche is the Canadian market, although I do have a few dot com's that I recently listed on Dynadot/Afternic/Sedo.

I am currently building a website called Wayne's Domains (waynesdomains.com), complete with escrow.com buttons for checkout to sell aftermarket domains on. The site should be up by the end of the month.

I have been lurking around the DN.ca forum for a few weeks now and really like the fact that it is a Canadian-specific domain name forum. Kudos to the founder for setting it up! There are some great online resources for domainers, and this is certainly one of them.

While I am not one to post very often online, I do look forward to being a part of the community and contributing to it in my own small way.

Thanks for viewing my post!


Welcome to DN.ca Wayne!

Welcome to DN.ca, It's good to have you here. Looks like you're a WHC client, so bonus points for that :)
Welcome aboard, very well thought out first post.

If you need any help feel free to tag me or to send me a PM, I'm always glad to help.
Thanks for the replies everyone!

@domain Recap - thanks for the 'wonderful' picture. In retrospect, I probably should have introduced myself as Bruce ;)


@frank - Yes, I switched to WHC a few years ago. I needed a Canadian server for my project, and it was a toss up between Canspace and WHC.

Both seemed to have good customer service, however Canspace didn't accept PayPal which was the deciding factor for me.

WHC has been amazing! Their customer support is great, and they have gone the extra mile for me (and probably cursed at some of my more inane support requests!), which I really do appreciate.

I was with Godaddy for a while, but...um, well, you know...

@MapleDots - thanks for the compliment and invite!

Welcome Wayne. You are not alone here. There is a PRO by your same name in the space. Welcome and enjoy your stay here.

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