So, I put together a little table of stats on the most popular ccTLDs as of 2020. It started as a way to see what would be the best ccTLD to compare against .CA, but I figured I'd just add these other easily found stats (population & sales). Unfortunately the list of ccTLD data wasn't longer.
ccTLD registration stats are from CIRA & Verisign:
2020 populations from Wikipedia.
2020 sales data from Namebio.
When sorted by total registrations, .CA isn't top 10, but close.
When sorted by Registrations per Person, .CA is 4th of those examined, but tops amongst restricted ccTLDs.
When sorted by Avg Reported Sales Price, .CA is tops overall.
So the unrestricted .NL, .DE and .UK have much higher registrations per person, but lower average resale prices.
Of course all of this is based on limited sales data which will always be the biggest problem in these kinds of comparisons.