Hello World, eh? (1.Viewing)

Thanks [notify]Esdiel[/notify], wasn't thinking about the # of reported sales when I made my comment.

More .DE reported sales would definitely bring down their average
Esdiel said:
Does the number of registrations (and average sales price) for a domain like .uk include the other .uk variables, like .co.uk, me.uk, org.uk, uk.com, uk.net (all of which have sales history on namebio)

The # of registrations were from https://www.nominet.uk/news/reports-statistics/uk-register-statistics-2020/
That would include any true .UK domains (including uk, co.uk, org.uk, me.uk, etc) as governed by Nominet, the UK equivalent of CIRA. This does not include uk.com which is not a .UK domain name.

Namebio sales data included all of them as well. Note that I looked at 2020 sales data only.

And yes, Nominet did reserve .UK domains for holders of conflicting domains. However, if they weren't registered within a couple years, they were released to anyone. .UK opening up was a little different than .CA since .UK was never opened up until recently, whereas CIRA opened up .CA from the beginning (except for conflicting domains). So .CA have been a trickle of registrations over 20 years, .UK was a massive sunrise and landrush. However, by now, I'd say the differences no longer matter too much.
Great info but the # of ca sales skews the numbers I believe

rlm said:

So, I put together a little table of stats on the most popular ccTLDs as of 2020. It started as a way to see what would be the best ccTLD to compare against .CA, but I figured I'd just add these other easily found stats (population & sales). Unfortunately the list of ccTLD data wasn't longer.

ccTLD registration stats are from CIRA & Verisign: https://www.verisign.com/en_US/domain-names/dnib/index.xhtml
2020 populations from Wikipedia.
2020 sales data from Namebio.

When sorted by total registrations, .CA isn't top 10, but close.

When sorted by Registrations per Person, .CA is 4th of those examined, but tops amongst restricted ccTLDs.

When sorted by Avg Reported Sales Price, .CA is tops overall.

So the unrestricted .NL, .DE and .UK have much higher registrations per person, but lower average resale prices.

Of course all of this is based on limited sales data which will always be the biggest problem in these kinds of comparisons.

HI Bob
Nice to meet you
I wanted to comment briefly of on bullet point # 2 and just say that after close to two weeks of 2021, I can't wait for 2022

Bob Hawkes said:
... or I guess Hello DN.ca :lol:

See many familiar faces or usernames, but those who do not know me I am a retired scientist who has a hobby in domain investing and like to analyze interesting questions, and write at too great a length, probably. :-/

I have a few questions / ideas wondering about:
1. Any suggestions for a particular .ca specific analysis people would like to see?
2. What is your outlook for 2021 in .ca? (I know other threads already discussed that some)
3. Do you think there is interest in some sort of online Canadian domain name show or forum, with the idea being mainly to reach those outside the domain world (i.e. business startup owners, business news media, educators, etc.)?
4. I know a few here are also active on TheDomainSocial. Any thoughts on, not often but now and then, have Canadian only online get together.

Hope all is well with everyone, and that you have a great 2021!

Welcome Bob Hawkes @Bob Hawkes to verified status

Interesting profile for sure, one of the more prolific domainers I've gotten to know over the years.

Bob is also our 12th board member thus finishing this process.
From here on no additional board members can be added unless there is a vote admitting them.

It starts the process of making this a self ruled community where senior influential domainers are in charge of setting the policies and procedures.

I will be posting more about this in the boardroom soon.

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