Hello! (3.Viewing)


Oct 11, 2024
Hi all,

I figured I'd say hello as I just joined your site. I am a total newbie to domaining, looking to very slightly dip my toes in after learning the basic idea behind it a couple years ago (but not following up at the time). Truth be told, I found this site by happenstance earlier today — RedFlagDeals had a post about a deal for .CAs at Porkbun, which prompted me to take a look at CIRA (to check what the current going rate is with other registrars), where I then found the TBR list, and then one of the registrars that supports TBRs, that happened to link to this forum. I am glad to see we Canadians have our own little niche for domain discussion! It has been very intriguing to spend a couple hours reading here about what has and hasn't worked for folks, especially since we live in a smaller market for, well, everything.

Welcome aboard

We are the place if you want to chat about .ca in Canada

There is a world of experience here, its a friendly place, don't be afraid to ask for advice if you need it.
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Welcome and enjoy your time. We were all there one day..we learn everyday and hope you will find help from the veterans from whom I have benefited too.
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