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Another familiar handle...Welcome!
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Welcome aboard

I saw your for sale topics

Just out of curiosity...
Do you think you might be limiting your chances of a sale by only accepting bitcoin?

There may be interested buyers that do not deal with crypto currency and hence may not respond.

Personally I always get a bit leery if I cannot deal in Canadian funds for a .ca

Now we did specify all sales had to be in CAD as one of the rules but we have not specifically said one cannot use bitcoin. That may have to be discussed before we leave beta because my vision originally was that all transactions should be done in CAD.

We will leave it up for now but keep in mind that might change (or not) depending how the member base feels about it. Above all we want this to be a legitimate for sale forum and I will have to discuss how crypto currency fits into that with the other senior members.
Welcome candomain! Nice to have you here!

Personally from my experience I think you should leave the method of payment to be decided between the two parties. All of my large sales have been completed in USD to avoid agreeing on the conversion rate and since escrow.com does not offer to complete transaction in CAD.

I’ve never had a buyer not complete transaction because it was not in CAD funds. Once they know you’re completing through escrow they don’t care.

Also, there has been a lot of news released in the recent year regarding interac etransfers and the high chance of fraud. There has been many scenarios where the person sends an EMT and once they determine it’s fraud the money gets reversed. The major banks have put notices that you should only use email money transfers with family and close friends. Never with people you don’t know. For me, it’s not worth the risk. But to each their own.
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Most of the fraud for etransfers is eliminated by activating the “auto deposit” option. That way there is no security question...it goes straight into your, or their, bank account. I use this method and it works a charm.

Fraudsters are able to intercept e-Transfers by gaining access to the recipient’s text messages or email account and guessing or getting the security question answer. Whether you’re the sender or recipient of an e-Transfer, everyone is responsible for playing their part in preventing fraud.

Register for Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit to have money automatically deposited without answering a security question
theinvestor said:
Welcome candomain! Nice to have you here!

Personally from my experience I think you should leave the method of payment to be decided between the two parties. All of my large sales have been completed in USD to avoid agreeing on the conversion rate and since escrow.com does not offer to complete transaction in CAD.

I’ve never had a buyer not complete transaction because it was not in CAD funds. Once they know you’re completing through escrow they don’t care.

Also, there has been a lot of news released in the recent year regarding interac etransfers and the high chance of fraud. There has been many scenarios where the person sends an EMT and once they determine it’s fraud the money gets reversed. The major banks have put notices that you should only use email money transfers with family and close friends. Never with people you don’t know. For me, it’s not worth the risk. But to each their own.

Yes, I feel listed prices should be in CAD for consistency, but settle it however the parties decide. I've done a lot of sales and never once had a complaint about a currency exchange rate.

Regarding EMT, its like any other non-escrow sale, you're always taking some level of risk. I use EMT or EFT all the time, but I'm also always sure I know who the buyer is. I find people may try and negotiation anonymously, which I understand, but when a price is agreed to and it comes time to execute, then I expect full transparency for invoicing & taxation purposes. If the buyer is still acting shady at that point, then its Escrow for sure.

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