How does Danny Hunter win all of the good .ca domains in TBR? (2.Viewing)

davidmdavidm is verified member.
Mar 31, 2021
Etobicoke, ON
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How does Danny Hunter win all of the good .ca domains on backorder.

Is he a domain investor or does he own the MyID registrar?

Today, he got:
and more!
I think David opened a new topic because he is specifically aking how myID is beating out the other registrars for the top domains on a consitant basis.

I have often wondered about that and I now understand the process but that is little comfort when one registrar seems to take the majority of domains.

One thinks TBR is a fair process but it's really about who has the deepest pockets and pay for the most connections. Then there is the experience of targeting those connections to the most valuable domains.

I think you can target more than one connection to a domain to double your odds.
I miss the Siber days…they were super competitive with MyId and very user friendly
How does Danny Hunter win all of the good .ca domains on backorder.

Is he a domain investor or does he own the MyID registrar?

Today, he got:
and more!
Its a bit shrouded in mystery as to who is the beneficial owner of MyID. Danny Hunter was listed as VP Business Development and his name is on the whois. Good luck finding Danny Hunter though, as I don't believe he has much to do with the business, at least not that I can tell. I believe that I do know the name of the actual owner, and it is not Danny Hunter. But I could also be wrong. Over the years I've been dropped hints from MyID employees that MyID is a subsidiary of a much larger business, in theory a web development / programming type business with massive clients - and thus MyID is really just a pimple on a gnat's ass to this parent corp. This is apparently why their site gets little attention and upgrades, still looks like it was coded in 1999. But their attitude is quite likely that ya don't fix what ain't broke. And who can argue that... Its probably a nice cash cow for whoever that beneficial owner really is.

I think David opened a new topic because he is specifically aking how myID is beating out the other registrars for the top domains on a consitant basis.

I have often wondered about that and I now understand the process but that is little comfort when one registrar seems to take the majority of domains.

One thinks TBR is a fair process but it's really about who has the deepest pockets and pay for the most connections. Then there is the experience of targeting those connections to the most valuable domains.

I think you can target more than one connection to a domain to double your odds.

If CIRA wanted it to be fair and make it just about buying lottery tickets (tbr connections), they'd do a random draw to assign domains instead. But I don't believe that's how it works. I'm convinced there is some technical advantage that MyID has on multiple levels. In addition to # of connections, other parameters are their server, the server's network location, the software, the method to prioritize domains, their timing, understanding every nuance of CIRA's servers and software, etc... There are a lot of potential variables at play, and they know exactly which ones are important and which ones are not. And that's just on the capturing side. Then there's the auction side and all of the suspicions that go with it... MyID has all of the angles covered.

I'm in no way saying that the following is true, but I also wouldn't be the least bit surprised if MyID had some sort of CIRA connection at one time, giving them a leg up from way back in the early days? Possibly an employee had previously worked at CIRA and knew exactly how the systems worked, or had a friend at CIRA or something like that. Or they simply recognized the opportunity and figured out TBR a long time ago, and have tweaked it to stay on top as CIRA has changed over the years. However they did it, they figured it out. So I have to say, kudo's to them, I'm jealous.

Now as for reputation, their wild success combined with the lack of transparency really hurts them, and fuels the conspiratorial thoughts. When there's a vacuum of info, people make up their own theories. Personally I think coming out of the closet would help MyID tremendously from that perspective. But there seems to be a reason they don't.

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