Do you have your eye on a GoDaddy/Afternic domain?
You put it in your shopping basket only to find the sales tax has been added for your country of origin.
Yup you have to pay the sales tax in every country GoDaddy/Afternic is registered in. Now that is not a big deal if you are a business and can claim the tax back but if you are a regular Joe the added sales tax can add up significantly, especially in Canada where the average is 13%
So how do you avoid paying the sales tax?
Easy, simply look at all the GoDaddy/Afternic partners here: GoDaddy | Afternic Premium Network
Now find a partner like NameCheap that does not charge the sales tax in Canada and off you go.
Can it be done?
Yup try it out, its a $130 saved for every $1000 you spend.
Merry early Christmas from your friendly neighbourhood MapleDots