How to manage your domains by Jean Chrétien (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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There are ongoing domain name management issues to be considered. Each registration includes contact information for the registrant, billing, administration and technical matters. If there are multiple domain names and different employees or departments involved within a business, it can be difficult to coordinate the management process. In some cases, third parties such as an advertising agency may register a domain name relating to a promotional event. Therefore, it is prudent to develop a generic name and e-mail address as the standard contact information for all domain name registrations. This will avoid potential problems where employees named in a registration leave the company or their employment is terminated.

Mr Chrétien has some advice in the link above for any business thinking of registering numerous .ca domains

PS. Of course I am kidding about the authors name but you have to admit the resemblance is there and it got you to read the article. :lol:
That is bad advice actually, especially when there are residency requirements like for .CA or .US.

If you thought this was a wise tactic, you'd at least need to ensure that you're registering as a legit corporation and not as an individual. This way you can still pass a RIV based on the corporation and not the individual. However, even then, note that any generic name is NOT allowed in the contact fields according to CIRA, although some try to get away with that. It is supposed to be the name of a real person, not "domain administrator" or "john doe" or anything that's not a real person. So I'd say trying it is still be a bit risky, but maybe as long as you could pass the RIV on the basis of a legal corporation name, then I'd _guess_ you might be OK. You're still asking to get a light spanking from CIRA at some point for invalid data.

If you're an individual, you won't be able to pass a RIV with any bogus names. Definitely not worth that risk.

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