Https redirects for domains (1.Viewing)

Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
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Rumour has it that Baremetal has https redirects working, and free. I haven't had a chance to play with it much yet, and won't have time for a few days, but if anyone wants to test it out and let me know if it suits their purposes?

bmetal @bmetal - any thing we should know? limitations, costs, etc?

I know they have mail forwarding and full mail services as well, honestly I haven't tested it either, but I need to. Their credit-based system is kinda sweet because it looks like you can turn it on/off as needed. So if you're attempting some outbound its nice to use email addresses based on the domain you're trying to sell.
Rumour has it that Baremetal has https redirects working, and free. I haven't had a chance to play with it much yet, and won't have time for a few days, but if anyone wants to test it out and let me know if it suits their purposes?

bmetal @bmetal - any thing we should know? limitations, costs, etc?

I know they have mail forwarding and full mail services as well, honestly I haven't tested it either, but I need to. Their credit-based system is kinda sweet because it looks like you can turn it on/off as needed. So if you're attempting some outbound its nice to use email addresses based on the domain you're trying to sell.

Just tried one of your domains... still getting an SSL error
Here is a list of who has ssl forwarding so far

Domaining is becoming harder and domainers are feeling squeezed

PS. I'm renewing a bunch soon and will try spaceship and dynadot, webnames is a bit pricey but I have to check out rebel and grape yet.

Good news about baremetal though (y)
Just tried one of your domains... still getting an SSL error

I'd need to know which domain you checked, it'll be another 12-24 hours before we have ALL the certs loaded, we've got most of them, but still need another thousand.

And RLM doesn't use our forwarding for 99% of his domains (e.g.

laf dot ca: is an example of a simple business card.

wuf dot ca: -- frameset example is a frameset pointing at (yeah, a bit confusing, but that's sort of the point of framesets/"cloaking").

spellbook dot ca: -- Simple Answers is an example of the "free" hosting with the credits that come with a domain registration.

RLM had setup to redirect to a contact form at ... but he's apparently playing around with it, as it redirected to last time I looked

And for what it's worth, I've just added template logic to the redirect/frameset/business-card systems so you can setup a single template and alias as many domains to it as you like.

[HOST] and [ZONE] should be rendered as the host the user sees in their address bar which could be and the main zone ( Wildcards are supported, but not the default for redirects/business-card/framesets.

That's all included with your domain registration (free).

ok, let's hit post and see what DN.CA makes of pages that redirect... may need to make some edits. -Tom

edit: yeah, that's just ugly. Going to have to prefix the links with DOM dot CA
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How does DomainEasy give instant certificates?

They are literally instant, the second the nameservers click in the certificate is valid.

There must be something easier we are all overlooking.

It's about 10 seconds to get a cert from letsencrypt if all the ducks are lined up, they just won't let you keep fetching one every ten seconds for an hour.

Unfortunately, in the .CA world, you don't actually know when CIRA's going to publish the NS records. My goal is that we will have SSL support for new registrations (and newly configured domains) within about 2 hours worst case. Since the first hour of that is slack for CIRA, it'll be faster in the .com world.

- Tom
Just tried one of your domains... still getting an SSL error
One of MY domains? Well I don't currently have any SSL sites to redirect it to anyways, so I haven't set up my domains to even use baremetal's redirect yet. But I'm prepping to do so, I just rented a new server and once its fully set up, sites moved over and a cert installed, then I'll be able to take advantage of it.

I just figured others would like to know, maybe test it out before I get around to doing so myself.
How does DomainEasy give instant certificates?

They are literally instant, the second the nameservers click in the certificate is valid.

There must be something easier we are all overlooking.
They're using the "ZeroSSL" certifcate authority, if you check the SSL certificate of one of their parked domains (e.g.

Free SSL Certificates and SSL Tools - ZeroSSL
Unfortunately, in the .CA world, you don't actually know when CIRA's going to publish the NS records.
I've looked into this a bit, so I should correct the record.

CIRA seems to be publishing DNS updates twice an hour, these become visible about 12 minutes after the top and bottom of the hour, and appear to be about 12 minutes out of date... e.g. they're taking database snapshots at 00 and 30 minutes, processing them for 12 minutes and then publishing them. It may be the delay is tied into DNS-SEC signatures.

We've adjusted our scripts to align with CIRA's release times, so our time to get an SSL cert is only a couple minutes longer than the 12 to 42 minutes it takes to get your domain delegated to our DNS servers.
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I think given the situation that domainers are facing regarding https, and the fact that we've always known about and dealt with the time period for nameserver changes to get published, and then dns changes to get propagated, caches to expire, etc, that the additional couple minutes on the cert is nothing to be concerned about! Thanks Tom!

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