
Rumour has it that Baremetal has https redirects working, and free. I haven't had a chance to play with it much yet, and won't have time for a few days, but if anyone wants to test it out and let me know if it suits their purposes?
@bmetal - any thing we should know? limitations, costs, etc?
I know they have mail forwarding and full mail services as well, honestly I haven't tested it either, but I need to. Their credit-based system is kinda sweet because it looks like you can turn it on/off as needed. So if you're attempting some outbound its nice to use email addresses based on the domain you're trying to sell.

I know they have mail forwarding and full mail services as well, honestly I haven't tested it either, but I need to. Their credit-based system is kinda sweet because it looks like you can turn it on/off as needed. So if you're attempting some outbound its nice to use email addresses based on the domain you're trying to sell.