I am now a full time domainer! (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Domain Business
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I am currently liquidating two of my businesses and am now a full time domainer.

What does that mean for me?

It means I will have no other sources of income outside of that job.

I am doing well at domaining and looking at the numbers from my last 5 years I have decided the income is enough for me to make a comfortable living without having to devote any more time to other endeavors. I have to say I am excited about this especially because it frees me up to do much more travelling than before. Currently my online store and business were time intensive, I never really got time to myself without the phone ringing or someone showing up at the door.

Domaining is quite different, I had my latest sale while on holidays in Mexico and I did the negotiating over the phone sitting on the balcony of my room overlooking the ocean. If I only spend half as much time working on my domains as with my other two jobs then I will be exactly where I want to be.

So wish me luck and count me into the relatively small group of people on dn.ca that are full time domainers.
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So wish me luck and count me into the relatively small group of people on dn.ca that are full time domainers.

That actually gave me an idea to make a special badge for Full Time Domainers

This will be an indication to users of which members make a living exclusively from domaining.

I know rlm @rlm is a full time domainer so I will assign him that badge as well.

If anyone else here is a full time domainer please let me know so I can assign the badge.
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