I'm getting a sense of that in a lot of places right now. I've never seen so many domainers giving up both in the .com and the .ca world.
Domaining is for those who can renew large catalogs and have the patience to wait.
From what little I've seen, I think domains are far more valuable as a longterm investment. If not grueling day to day to make immediate profit, then you need to have patience on the scale of decades.
I just consistently grinded over the years.
It's good to have a few potential income buckets, because if you have a few then usually at least one or two are working for you.
Domain investments are good. The lack of liquidity and subjective pricing is what provides the potential upside.It's good to have a few potential income buckets, because if you have a few then usually at least one or two are working for you.
I have job income, domains, social network usernames, stocks, private company shares (through sites like Frontfundr or StartEngine). Rental income would be another good one but I don't have that. Buying and holding crypto like bitcoin might pay off big one day (I wouldn't trade it due to the risk but dollar cost average). A bonus from work, some domain names sales, a username sale, or share prices going up have made big differences for me over time. If you get a period where all or many are working for you at the same time, all the better, like late 2020/2021 where almost all assets were going up. Having a good side hustle aside from your regular job is also good to develop other skills and bring in some income.
Domain investing is an easy way to make a hard living! When done right it can be a profitable hobby / side hustle but I can't imagine doing it as a full time job. Having a separate source of income makes it WAY less stressful.
The lottery is never an investment whereas domains are capable of being an investment andIn my mind domaining has the investment quality of lottery tickets..
Never won on 6/49. Won a couple of times with domains!
I'm switched to wearing skirts to streamline the processIf you're eager to sell you're going to have to pull your pants down low to move the domains. Make sure you list at every marketplace and set your BIN pricing for maximum exposure. It's all about the right person seeing the right domain, with the right price at the right time.