AUCTION Inclined (1 Viewing)


Dec 19, 2020
1,000 - Auction ends July 28th @9pm EST.

The auction begins immediately (i.e., now) and ends Thursday, July 28th at 9PM EST.

Starting bid is $10
and thereafter you can bid in increments of $5, $10, $15, $20 or $25 (or any multiple of 5).

Bids are to be posted directly here within this topic/thread. I will not be using the chatroom for this first attempt.

The domain is unlocked at GoDaddy. It will be a transfer-out only with the authorization code I will provide to the winner.

Payment can be made by e-transfer or Paypal.
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Easy $10 start for a nice domain

Mapledots is leading the auction at $10! Thanks for kicking it off.

Honestly, I was going to transfer-out to WHC and keep it myself but thought I would experiment with an auction instead. Figured it would be interesting to begin with a very low starting bid to see where things might go. I'm not sure I would do this with many of my domains but I feel like this method would be best to guarantee results and the final price should reflect what a domainer is willing to pay wholesale... similar to how TBR works.
I added this to the board calendar which gives the auction more exposure.
For a moment I thought it was LNCLINED.CA, but then I copied and pasted the name and noticed it's INCLINED.CA.
For a moment I thought it was LNCLINED.CA, but then I copied and pasted the name and noticed it's INCLINED.CA.
Is that with a lower case L? :)
I’ll bid $15.
For a moment I thought it was LNCLINED.CA, but then I copied and pasted the name and noticed it's INCLINED.CA.
Ohhhh, you bugger,....
The domain in auction is in fact "", and not, in case there's any confusion out there.
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The domain in auction is in fact "", and not, in case there's any confusion out there.
Sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion, but for a moment I was confused myself.
Sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion, but for a moment I was confused myself.
No worries whatsoever. I had actually considered this prior to posting but felt it looked nicer with a capital letter.

I always use lowercase for my landers where the domain begins with the letter "i", for this exact reason, so I should have trusted my gut and stuck with the lowercase "i".
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Approximately 9 hours left for this auction.

@MapleDots is in the lead at $20.

The next minimum bid is $25.
What do you think this domain would fetch in TBR?
What do you think this domain would fetch in TBR?

Certainly more, as always. Hard to say though. I see it as a positive word with a few different positive meanings.
I think definitely more than what it’s at now so $25 from me.
Nafti is in the lead at 25 dollars.

Next minimum bid is 30 dollars cad.

Please note: Any bids within the last 15 minutes will extend the auction by 15 minutes.
Maybe we will see more of these auctions.

I think most of us heard the story so I think some could be afraid that could happen here as well. My recommendation would be to have a higher starting price and let us domainers decide on if we want to bid or not.
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