inquiry follow-ups (1.Viewing)

Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
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Want a very Merry Christmas? Well here's a free Christmas Eve tip: Don't forget to follow up on stale leads, even during the holidays.

If you don't get a response when you reply to a domain inquiry, its easy to forget about it and move on. But just because they didn't reply, don't let that be the end. I usually wait anywhere from a week or two from last contact (or longer if I'm being lazy), then I send out a message saying something to the effect of:

I was just cleaning up my inbox and saw I hadn't heard back from you. If you're no longer interested, please let me know and I'll mark this inquiry as closed and I won't bother you again.

That usually gets some response out of them. Tonight I sent out a dozen follow ups on stale leads. Within an hour I had one sale for $5K, another offer for $5K (but I'm firm at $10K and kinda think he'll pull the trigger anyways), and of course a couple snide and humorous responses to boot. And that's after having sent those messages out at 1AM EST, so I hope for more responses in the morning.

Definitely track your inquiries so you remember which you've replied to, which you haven't received a response from, which you can mark as closed, etc... Sometimes those stale crumbs end up being pretty tasty.
Excellent write up Rob. I really like the “ I was just cleaning up my inbox and saw I hadn't heard back from you. If you're no longer interested, please let me know and I'll mark this inquiry as closed and I won't bother you again.” approach.

I know that Uniregistry uses something like “Some of my emails have not been going through lately so just making sure that you received this one”. I like yours better to be honest. It more or less says, speak now or it’s gone kind of approach. It gives them an ultimatum.

Which other methods do you use that you don’t mind sharing?
I do something similar.
“Hi, sorry I got busy and I don’t remember if I got back to you on this. If I didn’t please feel to let me know if you would like to go forward. If I did already contact you, my apologies and I will delete and not contact you again.”
...and it has brought some resulting sales.
Nafti 2726 said:
Which other methods do you use that you don’t mind sharing?

As for right now, I don't do much else, only responding to incoming inquiries and documenting some of the research I did on the buyer and the pricing.

If they reply back with a "sorry I didn't respond, that's well out of my budget", then I respond back with "Thanks for letting me know. I'm marking this inquiry as closed, but if you change your mind or want to hear more about payment plans or an affordable monthly lease option, don't hesitate to reach out."

And sometimes if they comment about the price being unreasonable, I'll respond with comparable sales (or you could even use current similar domains listed for sale) showing it was indeed reasonable.

I do keep a database of inquiries and all the pertinent info, its useful to have a central location for all that history. So even if its a spreadsheet, I'd recommend carefully tracking everything. You never know if you need to go back and contact all those people some day. For example, if you need to raise money in a hurry, you could always offer a deep discount to past inquiries that didn't result in a sale.

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