Is the .xyz market distorted? (1.Viewing)

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This is such a cluster F*** of an issue.

Xyz just like anything was distorted the last few years by crypto and free (and bored) money flowing all over the place. If we ignore the last couple years, we should have a good idea of the true value of all assets going forward. If Crypto dies and the xyz sales keep going or dies with it, then we'll know. In my mind, it's too early

On one hand, it is weird that she gets all the sales and is basically unknown. But on the other, if her story is true, she's owned thousands of the best names for years. So patience and luck worked out for her...but it could have just as easily failed had Crypto/Web3 used another extension.

The Namebio investigation adds to her credibility, but who knows. Maybe she is connected to the registry at some level.

But Schwartz and Mann are looking pretty bad here as well, in my opinion. They seem to be throwing around accusations all over the place
It seems to have gone from a healthy and justified questioning, to a full on public witch hunt. Its bound to backfire for someone who goes too far and it becomes slanderous.

The number of unusual data points plus the lack of complete information (which is frequently the case with domain sales) is what drives the imagination to fill in those blanks, its just human nature. Especially when it seems to primarily be benefiting just 2 people, one who is unknown and one who has a known and checkered past.

So while I say its healthy to be skeptical, the only people who should really care are the ones who ARE heavily invested in .xyz, they're the ones potentially losing money, its their problem. It's like me and the crypto I had many years ago, after getting robbed twice, it was shame on me and I learned my lesson. At least it was just me dabbling. I no longer care because I am not invested. Ditto for XYZ.

The important thing now is that anyone continuing to invest in XYZ does so with eyes wide open. The questions are out there, you've been warned. It's risky. It may be legit. It may be a pump and dump or laundering op or something to that effect. As always, invest at your own risk.

If you're not invested in XYZ and you waste any more time on this, well, you're just wasting your time...
I thinks we will look back at this period as one of the darkest times in domaining, for one or both of two reasons:

1. A nasty witch hunt by some conspiracy-minded folks with too much time on their hands...


2. The uncovering of yet another 'pump and dump' scandal in our already tainted by scandal industry.

Neither outcome gives me any comfort, and for now I am watching with keen interest and hoping that Swetha is legit and this will all blow over and cooler heads will prevail.

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