It is the #Domainers who made you what GD is today. (3.Viewing)



It is the #Domainers who made you what GD is today. We are bulk registrants of new domains since time immemorial. We made the aftermarkets exist. We made you rich through our investments.

You could not cheat millions by closing dan. com and #afternic premium sales platforms. Please restore the premium market place platforms
as they existed earlier, which were adorned by the Domainers much before you bought them.

You cannot misuse our #domains to promote your primary domain sales. You know primary domains will again be bought by domainers alone, but we must sell some premium domains to buy more.

So do not bite us. Or, we may bite back
For, GD is not the beginning and end of the #Domaining world. Mind it! Let GD be reminded!

You know that might get deleted so here it is in full

Sponsors who contribute to keep free for everyone.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free.

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