K1D here to say Hi (2.Viewing)

Kameron wanted to moderate the Introduce Yourself forum.

If you get a chance please say Hi to an upcoming young domainer! :)
Hey Kameron!
K1D said:
Hey everyone, my name is Kameron

MapleDots is my dad and I've been domaining with him for a while.
I'll be around here showcasing some of my domains in the near future.

Be back soon!


I’m impressed
I look forward to seeing your chops and finding out what the old man has taught you

I hope he has told you that the domain game is a marathon not a sprint! Take your time and just continue to learn and let the knowledge you acquire move you forward.
Domains is like chess, not checkers! You need to rely on your mind. I have a son your age who also likes domains. We could have a second generation Hatfield and McCoy thing going on. Lololol

I’m proud of you for even thinking about domains business and your future

Impressive (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree)

Look forward to seeing your names.
Thank you for joining us Kameron. My son (14 years old) isn't quite following my footsteps, but he certainly spends a lot of time on the computer too, mostly with creating Roblox games at the moment.

Great to see you exploring your options and that you're working on domains as well.
Yeah I am really excited to learn the ropes of domaining. My dad has been trying for a while to get me into domaining and at first it looked boring. But as he got into the details about what he was doing and how these are what you make websites off of, that got me really excited because i eventually want to own my own website. And you have to start somewhere. *THUMBSUP*
Welcome! I wish I had started at your age!

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