OFFERS is for sale (1 Viewing)

Will be willing to sell all the domains for $24K as LTO 12 months or at $20K as BIN .
Screenshot - 2022-12-26T085002.650.png

Just so you know, all the above links produce this.
I just checked and they are resolving.Thanks for letting me know

The domains themselves resolve but your links in the first post do not

Go to an incognito tab and click one of the links in your first post, they are all popinted to an internal dan link and you will see them because you are logged into dan and are the account owner.

Other logged in dan users will see the error above that I posted and non logged in users will get a dan user login prompt.

Screenshot - 2022-12-26T104223.316.png

Your links show like this:

That cannot possibly resolve for anyone except the owner of the portfolio
The domains themselves resolve but your links in the first post do not

Go to an incognito tab and click one of the links in your first post, they are all popinted to an internal dan link and you will see them because you are logged into dan and are the account owner.

Other logged in dan users will see the error above that I posted and non logged in users will get a dan user login prompt.

Screenshot - 2022-12-26T104223.316.png

Your links show like this:

That cannot possibly resolve for anyone except the owner of the portfolio
I have created a new link and it takes 1 hour to update .Thank you for your reply
Link:- Domain seller - Domain Name Shop |
Screenshot - 2022-12-26T110756.473.png

It's these links you have to change, typing them manually into the address bar will go wherever you point them too but you have the links in the first post all pointed to: - those are dan profiles, not for sale links
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