Law Domains are hot hot hot (1.Viewing)

if not, its incredibly serendipitous, as I had literally just listed the domains that evening, and then bingo, a few hours later I get an offer. :o

Just a bit too coincidental for my liking.

Plus, I thought my first bite would be on mmedia.. although ddesign follows the same format.
ddesign is very good, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a real contact *BRAVO*

That one is insane good :cool:
There may have been someone thinking of regging it, and then you came along.

Back in the very early 2000's I was checking hand regs and was available. I am not sure why I didn't reg it right away, but I didn't and left it for maybe a couple days or so. Then went back to reg it and it was gone. I think it was dropwizard who regged it. It sold a few years later for around $10k.
I picked up UALaw on the last drop.

the only real user I can see is University of Alberta Law.

MapleDots said:
Now that I am at the end of my inventory I will share some info..

Law domains are red hot, I had an inventory of law domains, very short prefixes like LLaw and LLLaw to the word law.

I only have a couple left but they still get lots of inquiries, the ones I have left are rlaw and jlaw.
I also had a nice stach of two letter law domains and I purchased those after I cleared out a nice chunk of LLCanada domains.

However rlaw is my most popular law domain and it had 3 hits last week, I could have sold it many times over in the 5k range but decided to hold out for 25k.

So here is some advice for some of the newer members just getting started. Pick a hot keyword (preferably short) and add one to two letters in front. Chances are someone will eventually want those initials and if you are not greedy you may make a few bucks. They did not set the world on fire for me but were enough to pay renewal fees.

The only reason I am disclosing this is because I am at the end of my law domains with hardly any inventory left.

I have an extensive catalogue of secret domains that I do not publish because I do not want people to copy my ideas.

I will disclose more of my secret domains as the inventory depletes.

I have a number of undisclosed niches that have consistently paid my renewal fees, they do not sell for large sums but they continue to show a nice return.

Had this at Dan with a bin of 5k

Three weeks of negotiations with a law firm for this domain starting with a 1k offer.
Asked me for my best price and I said the domain is priced fairly at 5k.

Guy goes up by 500 bucks every few days and when he gets to 2,500 starts typing in all caps that his offer is more than fair. I said great if that is the case you can represent me for my next domain case and when you bill me I will pay half.

So finally I said ok you can have it for 3.5k but you must complete the transaction within 48 hours.
One week later he contacts me and and I say he is too late the price has gone to 4k. I also state clearly that he has another 48 hours to complete the transaction. F-off he says...

Move forward another week and he offers me the 4k so I told him it was too late and the price is now at the BIN of 5k.

Now he sends me a letter on his legal letterhead saying we have a verbal agreement for 3.5k.


I just raised the price on Dan to 10k and sent him a note the domain is no longer negotiable.

Have a nice day!!

PS: I should know better, I usually never respond when I have a BIN set, let this be another lesson for me to just ignore emails under 5k.
If you explicitly gave him a deadline as a condition of the selling price, and he didn't meet that deadline, then too bad so sad. Sure a verbal agreement may have been made, but that same verbal agreement included a deadline... which he did not care to meet or respect. Not sure about doubling the original asking price, but it's your right to do so.
DomainRecap said:
It's probably one of you guys trolling me, but last night I got a 3-figure offer on my just-listed ddesign.

Ended up selling DDesign - not a huge sale but it paid for all my fun hand-reg's and a month on the TBR.

LMedia is getting a few bites too, so I might get lucky there as well.

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