Lazy and foolish domainers use marketplaces.
You are using a one size fits all on UNIQUE ASSETS that attract unique clients in which the value can change on one news cycle. But the dumb idiot lazy Domaier is locked in to some foolish number that he put on as a sales price before even talking to the client. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb dumb.
Your DOMAIN is the salesman not that stupid fucking marketplace. How stupid can folks be? It's idiotic!!
Even worse you're putting your unique asset in with millions of other garbage mostly pigeon shit. Do you think that makes your domain look more valuable? Dumb! It's a junkyard.
98% of the time the first email that a Domainer responds with sinks the sale. Because they don't know how to shut the fuck up.
They don't let the inquiry marinate. They don't do any research on the inquiry.
They're so quick to respond. It's like shooting a gun with a bullet in it and not even aiming. Not even think about which direction you're gonna shoot it cuz you're just so hopped up to shoot it that you can't stop yourself. That’s where most domainers go wrong. The only thing they do with that bullet is keep shooting themselves in the foot. First being in the marketplace, and secondly not knowing how to answer an inquiry.
I swear to you, I swear to you, domainers have left more money on the table than they put in their pocket. Because they're not very bright.
They are only two marketplaces. One is your domain and the other is whois. Marketplaces are for fools and pigeonshit.
I have no idea how to get through to most domainers. I am using the strongest most insulting language that I possibly know trying to shake them into seeing what I see that they're missing and it's costing them a fortune. And I'm sure most will get mad at me for it.
My only motive is to make you folks see the light. Understand what you're doing. Understand how you're devaluing your names.
Understand the minute you put you domain into a marketplace. you are basically endorsing those stupid automated domain valuations by
I'll say it one last time, dumping all of your domains in a marketplace is idiotic, lazy and dumb. And that's how I view it. It's a handicap. It's not an aid. It makes you look weak, not strong.
And when you mentally masturbate about getting up in the morning and seeing a sale you shouldn't be celebrating. You should realize that you probably lost a whale because you were too lazy to do it the right way.
It means a $7000 Domain could've been $170,000 Domain. Geniuses!!
Any smart Domainer would pull every single domain that they have in a marketplace down immediately.
They didn't buy your Domain at the marketplace because they were rummaging through 12 million pieces of garbage to find your Jim. No, they targeted your gym and some food put a low price on it before they even talk to the person that was interested. Fools! I can't say it strong enough.
Lazy and foolish.
Oh, and then you get to pay a 15 or 20% for being dumb. Oh how smart that is.
You have a choice, you can follow in the footsteps of the guy that sold his Domain for seven dollars or you can follow in the footsteps of people that make millions of dollars.
Strong post to follow.