Let's talk Canadian eh! (1.Viewing)

Not so fast kemosabe :lol:

It’s great to be on an all Canadian board. Anything better would be an all Newfie board. But one can only dream! lol

[notify]MapleDots[/notify] You also forgot to mention coloUr. I could be wrong but I believe Americans drop the “U”.
Nice to not have to speak “english lite” ;)

And when you talk about smaller cities...people have actually heard of them
The spelling is pretty obvious and I know the difference but quite often I'll just ignore it and type it my way. I've still spent more time in the US than in Canada, although that difference is getting less each year. My daughter is guilty of pronouncing bagel as baggle and it always cracks me up. I say bay-gl, she says bag-gle and she can't seem to hear herself do it - and I can't seem to pronounce it the way she does either. I read somewhere that that particular "a" sound is something many americans can't seem to reproduce even when they try...

FYI, I'm just going to continue dropping some u's (color, neighborhood, armor, honor, harbor, etc...), probably use some "s" and "c" swaps, oh and "re" and "er" swaps too.
aT LeEAsT wE dONt hAVe AnY tRoLLs hERe DoinG tHiS

There's always some idiot doing it or ending wordz with z.
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