Liking a post on mobile (Mobile Skin Talk) (1.Viewing)


Nov 11, 2020
I’m on mobile. I do not see any places on a post to “like it”. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me. :)

Edit: Title (Added Mobile Skin Talk)
MapleDots said:
You are correct

Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

You’re welcome.

I was going to “like” your response [notify]MapleDots[/notify] but yeah....... It’s after 12 so it’s not too early for jokes! :lol:
Any update on this one? I only use mobile and I feel bad because I haven’t liked 1 post yet. :(
I have that on the list to work on and when I am done you will be able to like a post by turning your mobile device sideways which will show the avatars and information below. Then when you turn the device right side up it will collapse again to mobile view.

I have been fooling around with the css and have finally got the header image responsive but I am still working on this part.
OK [notify]Nafti[/notify]

Depending on the screen size on a phone if you turn it sideways the avatars and like link should show.

That was a bugger and it messed with the coding on the standard view a bit but it should work now.

PS. If you don't see it you might have to clear your cache because you have to refresh the css.
MapleDots said:
OK @Nafti

Depending on the screen size on a phone if you turn it sideways the avatars and like link should show.

That was a bugger and it messed with the coding on the standard view a bit but it should work now.

PS. If you don't see it you might have to clear your cache because you have to refresh the css.

Well, as you can tell, it worked! I just “liked” that post. :)

Thanks [notify]MapleDots[/notify]. I am glad I can start liking posts now. I really don’t know how you find time to start/run a domain forum, run businesses, family time and time for beer(s). Do you have 30 hour days? :lol:
I usually stay up until about 2 am to code and work on my online stuff. Kids go to bed at 10 so I find that time productive.

I still have to fix the main forum view on that sideways profile because the last column is a bit squished.
But on post view where the like button is it now works perfect.

So you hold the phone right side up and you get the condensed mobile version, as soon as you tip it sideways it should show the full version with avatar and like button.

What size is your mobile device, is it a phone or iPad?
I use an iPad and site works great and no problems with iPhone 11 either. Although horizontal is better with the iPhone
I moved this post to Site feedback because I thought some members could benefit from it.

I added a heart beside like which will turn red when you hover over the link.

On mobile or a chromebook the heart is replaced by a gorgeous red icon, unfortunately windows does not convert these icons. Maybe someone can post a screenshot of how it looks on mobile.

This way it attracts a bit more attention and members are more apt to see it.

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I overhauled this today, the likes now show up on regular phone view

[notify]Nafti[/notify] you may have to clear your cached images & files on the phone for it to show up.
You do not have to clear your cookies and browsing history.
MapleDots said:
you may have to clear your cached images

I couldn’t see it on mobile when I saw this post but it appeared after I cleared my browsing data on the Google chrome app.

Nicely done Maple. Thanks for the extra effort.
Esdiel said:
I couldn’t see it on mobile when I saw this post but it appeared after I cleared my browsing data on the Google chrome app.

Yes the browser keeps that part in memory and will eventually renew it.
For new users it will show up immediately but if it is in your browsers cache you need to clear it.
But like I said you only need to clear the images and files, the browsing history and cookies do not have to be cleared.

Glad you like it

On android it shows a nice little red graphic of a heart, not sure if it does the same on apple phones.
On windows desktop it shows a blue heart which turns to red on hover.
Chromebooks will show the same red heart as android phones.
MapleDots said:
On android it shows a nice little red graphic of a heart, not sure if it does the same on apple phones.

I can confirm I see the red heart on my iPhone as well. *THUMBSUP*

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