FOR SALE Liquidating 15 .ca domains (1 Viewing)


Dec 19, 2020
I'm looking to trim back my portfolio and thought I would try liquidating some.

Prices are BINs in the chart below, and includes a renewal for another year as part of the purchase price.

A couple domains are close to being deleted, and I will eventually delete this topic, so don't wait too long if you're interested.

I can be contacted using the forum's email form here at this link:

Money can be sent by e-transfer or paypal, and I can accommodate either a push or give you the auth code.


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Thought I'd also mention that I haven't done any outbounding for any of these domains.
FYI: The domains i listed with GoDaddy are currently on pause.

I'm just noticing now that GD is asking for a $63.23 redemption fee + the renewal fee, so I'd be selling at a loss if i were to sell any of those for $50.

This is the first time ive ever seen them charge a redemption fee and I wonder if it's a mistake, glitch, or a change in policy. I also pay for their domain discount membership so I'm hoping it's just a glitch. If it was a change in their policy you'd think we would have at least have been given a heads up. Not impressed...

For example:

Esdiel said:
FYI: The domains i listed with GoDaddy are currently on pause.

I'm just noticing now that GD is asking for a $63.23 redemption fee + the renewal fee, so I'd be selling at a loss if i were to sell any of those for $50.

This is the first time ive ever seen them charge a redemption fee and I wonder if it's a mistake, glitch, or a change in policy. I also pay for their domain discount membership so I'm hoping it's just a glitch. If it was a change in their policy you'd think we would have at least have been given a heads up. Not impressed...

30 days grace after expiration I believe, then the redemption fees kick in.
Groot said:
30 days grace after expiration I believe, then the redemption fees kick in.

That's how many registrars operate but I've never seen GD charge a redemption fee for a .CA no matter how late I renewed, and ive had an account there since 2011. It was one of the things I've come to like about them because I think these additional fees are absurd, and arbitrary given every registrar charges a different price and they can vary greatly. The screenshot above doesn't include taxes yet either, so the real total is $86.48 to renew.

I did however recently learn that GD did charge a redemption fee for regular accounts while I was helping a friend, but i don't even know for certain whether that's new or not. I've been paying for the "discount domain club" since 2013, not necessarily to avoid redemption fees but just for cheaper renewal prices, and this is the first time in 10+ years that i've ever seen a redemption fee tacked-on for a .ca.

At first i figured the difference was because I was paying for the discount club membership but now it seems like they charge the fee regardless. I'm gonna have to make some calls tomorrow to find out for certain. Pretty sure I'm done with GD if it's the case. There's no point or reason for me to continue paying for the discount club if other registrars charge less for renewals (with no membership fee), and while their redemption fees are significantly less. That said, one bonus about GD is they can accommodate a push if you were to sell a domain on a marketplace like Dan while the domain is still under the 60-day lock.
Then you're probably right and it must be part of their new pricing policy crap...

I learned the hard way. My DDC expired, disappeared from renewal, and now it's 300/yr. Last renewal, couple years ago, I paid 120/yr... Massive jump.
I would definitely call GD and try to insist they remove the redemption fee given your circumstances and knowing how .ca renewals work at other registrars.
domains said:
I would definitely call GD and try to insist they remove the redemption fee given your circumstances and knowing how .ca renewals work at other registrars.

I would just leave godaddy, they're too big to care. I'd suggest you'll get better service with a true Canadian registrar.

There are others out there who want your business. Baremetal, Namepros, Webnames, WHC. Call them all and ask for bulk rate, then do transfers instead of renewals.
Groot said:
Then you're probably right and it must be part of their new pricing policy crap...

I learned the hard way. My DDC expired, disappeared from renewal, and now it's 300/yr. Last renewal, couple years ago, I paid 120/yr... Massive jump.

Damn, i knew it got more expensive but didn't know it was up to C$346.62 per year now (taxes in). I got grandfathered into their old pricing which will make think twice before cancelling.

For 2021-2022 it cost me $119.88 USD (which came to just over $150 CAD). I made the "mistake" paying in USD because I often fiddle with the currency and forget to change it back to CAD before I got billed/charged.

In 2020-2021 I had the currency set to CAD and got billed $173.99 CAD. So ironically it turned out to be cheaper for me to get billed/charged in USD, even after the shitty exchange rates/fees.

rlm said:
I would just leave godaddy, they're too big to care. I'd suggest you'll get better service with a true Canadian registrar.

There are others out there who want your business. Baremetal, Namepros, Webnames, WHC. Call them all and ask for bulk rate, then do transfers instead of renewals.

Are there any Canadian registrars that don't charge any redemption fees at all, without having to make such a request? I think there might be but GD Canada is/was the only registrar I knew of for certain.

I was always a pretty big fan of GD for a number of reasons, and they can still offer some things/perks that other registrars don't/can't, but my opinion of them has only gone downhill in the last couple years... pretty much starting with the Brent Oxley fiasco. My personal experience with them has essentially always been good though, until now.
Esdiel said:
Are there any Canadian registrars that don't charge any redemption fees at all, without having to make such a request? I think there might be but GD Canada is/was the only registrar I knew of for certain.

I don't think baremetal does. If you already have a baremetal account, I'd suggest email their support and verify that, and then let them know how many domains you have that you will eventually want to transfer in and see what they can do.

If you're the type that registers or renews one domain at a time on a CC, well then they have to cover their CC fees hence you're not going to get the best deal. They may do a better rate if you don't use Credit Cards since they don't have to incur fees. E-transferring them to put money on credit to cover a batch of renewals or purchases is best. I only ever e-transfer them funds.
Topic removed from public view on request of OP
I actually asked for it to be deleted. Can it not be deleted, since it had bins?
I changed that in the rules a while back, the recycle bin is getting eliminated and old sales topics, sensitive topics etc are all going to the trusted forum instead.

Anything in trusted is open to very exclusive members and you can just say no longer for sale.

If you look at forum rules you will see the updates to that.

I get complaints when I delete something and I get complaints when I don't delete something so for me the best option was to hide topics to Trusted members only. This way it is a middle ground and I don't have to put up with all the emails about what should or should not be deleted.

On the next software release there will be no more recycle bin, just a hidden forum for Trusted Members.
Didn't know that. I liked the rule that "for-sale" posts could be deleted upon request if the seller used bins.

For one, it encourages people to actually put up a real price plus it encourages people (or at least myself) to make for-sale posts knowing that it wont last/show indefinitely. I also don't own any of these domains anymore so it doesn't serve much purpose, and I doubt it would upset anyone if it were deleted.
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I'm always open to discussions but I posted this a while back in the rules section to try and eliminate all the emails I get complaining about getting deleted or complaining about not deleting. A lot of times topics also contain other useful information and containing them in a non indexed private forum at least lets us reference them internally if needed.

Again, I can always discuss inside the Trusted forum among trusted members so we can debate this.

PS. On the new forum software trusted status can only be achieved at 1000 posts so it will be a very exclusive club.

Current trusted members will be grandfathered in.

Trusted Members will probably be called Guides on the new forum software because they will be hopefully guide new members.

I will be using as a template for the new software so you can look around there.
There will be no name change and since did not take off I will probably shut it down.
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