When someone contacts you about a domain name, you have exactly one piece of information. You know what domain name they're interested in. You know that they're willing to pay a premium for it. But what you don't know is how much that Domain is worth to them. Not to you. You don't count. It's what is the domain name worth to them!
Your job is to assume you're talking to Amazon. Your job is to assume the biggest not the smallest. If you assume it's the smallest then you'll keep selling Domain Names for a grand or two and beating your chest thinking that you're killing the world.
The truth is the world is killing you. I guarantee you most if not every single Domainer that doesn't know what they're doing has let a domain slip through their fingers that had great value. They didn't know the difference between $1000 domain name and $1 million domain name. How dumb is that?
It’s like a baseball card collector having a Mickey Mantle rookie card or a Babe Ruth rookie card and not knowing the value. You deserve to be taken advantage of for stupidity reasons. If someone is that stupid to sell a Mickey Mantle rookie card for $50 your job is to buy it as quick as you can and give them a nice tip in return.
Business is about looking for fools that don't know what they own. In general domainers are a ship of fools. They want millions for worthless and they want chump change for stellar.
Whether it's an original Picasso in someone's attic or a bag full of gold under someone's mattress or any collectible that might have great value, ommon things can be worth millions.
Things that cost a few dollars originally can be worth millions. Ignorance is what makes the world go around so the question here is do you want to be ignorant of what you have?
Do you wanna be ignorant of how to extract the most value out of it. Do you wanna be the idiot that sells the Picasso for 50 bucks?
Your job is to collect intersections. Your job is to build yourself a portfolio of value one domain at a time.
Your job is not selling!! That's not your job. Selling is the residue of making good decisions and making good acquisitions. If you focus on selling, how can you be focusing on good acquisitions?
The marketplaces are killing Domain investors. They're stripping them naked financially. Stripping them of all control. And then they surrender 20%. It's dumb, it’s desperate and it’s LAZY!
The only marketplace you need is a whois listing and possibly a lander. I have no idea why people are scared of who is it's just dumb. I can't stress it enough. It's dumb. Have a go to voicemail. Never answer the phone. Have your address PO Box so it never goes to your home. But stop being dumb.
If you get the first thing and the most important thing wrong, everything else fails. Not listing your domain on whois is the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my business life because you are giving the power away to some unknown entity with some idiot broker that you never heard of and is weak!
Instead of getting the customer to raise his offer the dumb and weak invisible broker is using his energy to beat you down on your own price!!!!!! That's the kind of broker that you tell to go to hell. Tell them to go fuck themselves! They are not working in your best interest and most domainers are too stupid to notice!
If you really want to sell Domains stop trying to sell them and you'll do 1000% better and make 10x to 100x as much!