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What's the new buzzword in the devil world of corporate takeovers? Partnership - everything is a partnership now, like a private firm goes bankrupt, is bought out by a competitor, and suddenly they're both "partners" in a "partnership" like they're best buddies - when in reality the previous owner is probably on a meth binge in Thailand.

With this announcement of Best Buy clearly buying/taking over The Source from Bell takes it to a even more bizarre level. Hey everybody! Bell and Best Buy are "partnering up" to be "partners"! :poop:

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What's the new buzzword in the devil world of corporate takeovers? Partnership - everything is a partnership now, like a private firm goes bankrupt, is bought out by a competitor, and suddenly they're "partners" in a "partnership" like they're best buddies - when in reality the previous owner is probably on a meth binge in Thailand.

With this announcement of Best Buy buying/taking over The Source from Bell takes it to a even more bizarre level. Hey everybody! Bell and Best Buy are "partnering up" to be "partners"! :poop:

Means rogers has to buy someone out to showcase their products and services,.
Means rogers has to buy someone out to showcase their products and services,.

Hardly, Rogers is laughing as they just got more shelf space at Best Buy Express! And without laying down a penny.

If I'm the CEO of Rogers I'm uncorking the champagne and crank-calling Bell execs inquiring about buying The Source. :LOL::ROFLMAO:
In spite of everything, The Source does desperately need a rebrand/revamp.

suddenly they're both "partners" in a "partnership" like they're best buddies - when in reality the previous owner is probably on a meth binge in Thailand.
In spite of everything, The Source does desperately need a rebrand/revamp.

Sure, but this is just Best Buy purchasing The Source and changing the name on the wall to Best Buy Express.

Actually, I liked old Source stores with actual products on the shelves, before their "modern rebrand with no visible products" as now with nothing on the shelves and with none of the store employees able find any in-stock item in the back (do they even try?), I always left empty handed.

And then I stopped going there altogether. And I can't be alone.

I realize they did the "no products/open concept" redesign to lure customers with incessant Bell phone sales, but it got pretty stupid after a while. People would just mill into the empty corral and you'd hear a chorus of "So... what provider do you use for phone service?".

And if you pushed by that hard-sell and actually told them the product you wanted and that it showed in-stock online, the CSR would disappear for a minute, then come back with a "Sorry, we don't see to have that... but I've got this great deal on a new iPhone at $0 down on qualified plans!".
yeah, I liked back when it was Radio Shack - they had so much stuff in there, and that's what kept people coming back, but it was the more tech savvy people. TheSource dumbed it down little by little and like @DomainRecap says, it was practically empty. And visually, that just makes me think of a cell-phone store and nothing else, which is apparently what it had become. I can't say because I never bothered even going in there anymore.
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Radio Shack had any connector or cable you ever needed at a reasonable price. The source has nothing and if you've ever priced a cable at BestBuy you'll know why this will be an unmitigated disaster.
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Radio Shack had any connector or cable you ever needed at a reasonable price. The source has nothing and if you've ever priced a cable at BestBuy you'll know why this will be an unmitigated disaster.

The pre-Bell Source used to be a fun place to shop and even early on in the Bell reign of terror it was still pretty good. From maybe 2005-2014 I used to buy videogames, RC vehicles, toys, etc. for Christmas presents and they were always stocked up with electronics of all kinds. I bought a few laptops there, some consoles and other tech stuff.

But around 2015 Bell really locked down the stores and created what they called an "Experienced-Focused" design mimicking a cellphone store or kiosk, thus losing anyone who actually bought electronics, games or other items.

I remember going in a big Source store a few years ago, and asking to see the Switch games (there are no videogames on display yet they stock hundreds of titles in the back) and the guy told me he "couldn't find the Switch storage boxes". :unsure:
Look closely at her face - that's the classic "laughing on the outside, crying on the inside" look.

Kinda mean trick when you think about it.

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