- The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

The TBR drop catcher often comes up in our topics here at

As the most successful drop catcher in the .ca space we hear a lot of conflicting stories. There seems to be a love-hate relationship between domainers and MyID.

So for this topic I would like to talk about anything involving The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

Review them, tell us your success stories, tell us your disappointments and maybe even what you think they should change.
For me

The Good...

I had to give them all proper documentation to leave no doubt who I was.

The good about that is you have to follow through on your bids and obligations with little room for shenanigan's.
On their marketplace you have to follow through or risk getting banned. Once banned you cannot simply open a new account unless you have a spare drivers license kicking around.

The Bad...

Almost everything is processed manually and the few experiences I have had with them made it difficult to move domains out.

The Ugly...

The interface is cumbersome and about as ugly as it can get, it is so yesterday that it often reminds me of mid 1990's website.

PS. Did I say the interface was ugly already?
I am also getting errors for the control panel, buy & sell

I am logged in and as of today it almost looks like I am blocked.

Mind you I have not been there in quite a while so curious to know if anyone else is getting the error.

I once (perhaps twice) sent them an email with all the requirements needed to join their marketplace (ie list domains for sale) and never heard back. I believe it was a few years ago too. Maybe they're done with their marketplace?
yeah, I noticed that their marketplace used to have WAY more listings in there. I looked just last week for the first time in years.

I've always just assumed that marketplace was pretty pointless, and I would agree that maybe they've abandoned it.

Are you getting an error when you try to see the domains in the marketplace?
Yes [notify]MapleDots[/notify] I am unable to see anything too.

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Eby said:
Yes [notify]MapleDots[/notify] I am unable to see anything too.

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


For a minute I thought I was banned because I have been a bit outspoken about them.
I remember selling some domains on their marketplace a long time ago, actually.
They ignored repeated requests to provide an auth code to transfer domains out --- I eventually bugged CIRA for help and then, voila, they responded almost immediately.

(and, yes, that interface...)

So, despite their TBR success, I'm hesitant to use them.

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