NameBlock: What's your thoughts on this? (1.Viewing)

Gold Notable Member
Jul 3, 2021
Toronto, ON
NameBlock was created to solve a problem that has been bedeviling businesses with an online presence since the domain name system was born - that of bad actors registering confusingly similar domains in an effort to siphon traffic away from legitimate sites and send unwary consumers to bogus sites where a variety of scams, malware and other assorted ills are often waiting for them. For decades that has resulted in an endless game of whack-a-mole in which a new threat pops up as soon as an old one is shut down. That led Larsen to wonder "what if there was a way to prevent domains whose only purpose is to deceive from being registered in the first place?" In NameBlock he and his teammates may have found a way to turn that seemingly impossible dream into a reality.

NameBlock Tackles Domain Name Abuse With an Innovative New Approach to an Age Old Problem

From what I have read so far at NP, you can basically pay to block anything.
I wouldn't rely on NamePros (assuming that is what you mean by "NP") as a reliable source of info about the NameBlock product ... or anything else for that matter! If you want to know how it works, I would be happy to introduce you to the folks running NameBlock. That being said, the service is not for domainers, is for trademark holders and the service providers that support them.

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