NameFind Sells Large Chunk of its Best Inventory (2.Viewing)

Jul 1, 2022
Toronto, ON

I monitor thousands of high quality domain names with the help of DomainTools. I use the Registrant Monitor tool to keep track of certain domain registrants, and I also use the Domain Monitor tool to track thousands of great domain names.

Over the last week, I noticed a large swath of exceptional domain names in the NameFind portfolio appear to have been sold. This includes some of its top one word, two word, and short domain names. This is in addition to the well-publicized NameFind auction on GoDaddy Auctions.

Many of the domain names I track had been part of portfolios GoDaddy previously acquired. For instance, there were likely names from the portfolios acquired from Mike Berkens, Marchex, and Frank Schilling.

Read more: NameFind Sells Large Chunk of its Best Inventory |
My opinion when it comes to the article is that registrars should not be allowed to own domain inventory. Other than the domains used by the registrar for their own business they should be restricted from owning domains.

I cannot think of a bigger conflict of interest when it comes to taking business than a registrar being allowed to own inventory.

Even when you look at the whole auction situation, there should be a middle entity that auctions off domain names not the registrar itself. Look at the possibility of a crooked registrar not sending out a reminder email and then proceeding to keep the domain or auctioning it off. Who polices the registrars? ICANN ? Ha, yup for sure.

Imagine a central service where expired domains go and the profits used for charity or invested back into the system to keep registration prices down. The entire business motto of how expiration's are handled at the registrar level for .com is questionable at best.
Imagine a central service where expired domains go and the profits used for charity or invested back into the system to keep registration prices down.

I think I read about something like that... in a book of Fairy Tales.

No way the powers that be ever let this happen as there is way too much money to be made, and therefore way too much graft to be gathered up issuing out the contracts and agreements.

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