I'm going to look into it [notify]Nafti[/notify]. I share the same doubts others have expressed but I have a couple single word domains that come to mind, and it's not like it would take much time to submit them to see what happens ([notify]DomainRecap[/notify]). I "assume" you're not obligated to move forward with the auction by simply submitting them for "consideration" either, but they do make you check off a couple boxes first (re terms and conditions) so I'd have to check to be sure.
So far 83 domains have already been approved and uploaded to GD's auction site. If people are seriously thinking of submitting domains, it's probably in their best interest to do so as soon as possible since bidding has already started for some of the domains. I don't see any .CAs yet but there are a few .NETs, .ORGs, .COs and .IOs. Godaddy valuation tool assesses most of these at 5K+, but some don't even come close. There's also a lot of .COMs that don't come close to 5K either but I'm guessing they had their reasons to accept them.
Below is a link to the auction. You should see "NamesCon Auction 2021" (if not, you've clicked your way out from that specific auction):
I will also try to find out if many Canadians will be "attending" but the event's main moderators/MCs are both Canadian:
Christa Taylor, founder of DotTBA
Christa Taylor is passionate about TLDs and their impact on the internet and has supported over 50 new gTLDs applicants. She has years of experience in the domaining and software industries, and has provided strategic planning and vision to numerous companies, from start-up ventures to primary industries. She is adept in utilizing business intelligence to design strategic initiatives and competitive advantages along with marketing strategies that positively impact the bottom line. Christa also held the role as President and CFO of Poker.com Inc.
Bill Sweetman, President of Name Ninja
Bill has extensive experience in the domain aftermarket (or secondary market) of premium domain names, and he’s provided strategic domain name advice to major companies for over 20 years. Bill runs Name Ninja, a boutique domain name acquisition firm that helps global entrepreneurs, startups, and marketers get their dream domain names.