NEWS: CIRA now operates the .IE ccTLD for Ireland (1.Viewing)

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Service Representative
Nov 20, 2020
Montreal, QC

.IE transitioned its over 300,000 domains under management to the platform.

Both CIRA and .IE hailed the transition as a success. Two registrars I spoke with said it wasn’t so smooth and continues to cause headaches. The transition had over 24 hours of downtime, and registrars must now manage three systems for .IE domain names, they told Domain Name Wire.


.IE CEO David Curtin dismissed these complaints, arguing that the three programs are an improvement over the old system.


He also shifted some of the blame to registrars for not preparing.

The registry version of CIRA's registry system, Fury, for .IE is called Titan.
While this seems harmless and arguably smart to leverage their efforts made to build a new registry system from the ground up, I believe CIRA has taken it too far. Can you believe that CIRA actually has had (and may still have) people employed trying to convince cities in Canada to register their own extension (like .toronto), so that they can peddle their Fury system? Ask yourself why would CIRA (whose sole purpose for existing was to operate and protect the .CA space for Canadians), should be allowed to actively promote a directly competing TLD to .CA? I mean, seriously, WTF? Does that not sound like the exact antithesis of what CIRA's role is supposed to be? This is my #1 hot button issue with CIRA.

I caught wind of this a few years back, I'm guessing they haven't had much success. Does anyone know if they're still actively pursuing this?

And what do you guys think of CIRA doing this? Just curious if I'm the only one who has a problem with it.
With cira being not for profit where are the profits going from the .ie sales?
Are the profits being reinvested into Canada or Ireland?

If the answer is Ireland then we have a problem because I always thought CIRA was non profit for Canadians.

Did CIRA change for profit?
All very good questions, but if we're checking into what is part of CIRA's mandate and what isn't, I'd rather take a look at their upcoming IoT registry project (I'll try to make a separate post about it), their misnomer"DNS firewall".

On the positive side, I think their work with charities and the Canadian Data Exchange points they have been doing is great.

CIRA's explanation for expanding was a slowing growth of TLDs worldwide. However, Canada and .CA is still far behind other countries when you look at the number of domains registered in relation to population, so there should still be room for growth.
If they have the same transfer system for Ireland, meaning doing a registrant and a registrar transfer, I feel sorry for all the people who are going to have to go through the learning curve on that. lol
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