Notable Members (2.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Domain Business
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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We have 3 slots for the top Notable Members: Member Statistics

Notable #2 & Notable #3 are developing into an interesting situation with the top two contenders in each category being rlm @rlm and DomainRecap @DomainRecap

Notable #1 is for Most Topics and Esdiel @Esdiel still has a considerable lead over silentg @silentg

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It's a friendly little competition that will take a fair bit of time to play out but it's interesting to watch as it develops.

I have removed myself from this competition (for obvious reasons) and I see I need to remove the NewsBot as well.
We want this to flow naturally with no pressure but it is exciting to watch.
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With the Newsbot removed dancarls @dancarls slides into view in Notable #1 - Most Topics (y)

The reason we made Most Topics the top notable slot is because we consider it the the most important to stimulate member engagement.

We appreciate everyone who has contributed to our success and hope to see how this little competition will play out in the future.
I suppose the 3rd category for the "most likes" is for the person who has received the most "likes". That's fair.

I would argue that the one who has given the most likes should also be complimented, because it takes a big heart to appreciate another person's comment or contribution. Most love receiving but not giving.

How about creating another category??

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