Pixel.ca is this a ruse? (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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It is obviously a ruse because on one hand the owner is asking you to sign up and pay for an email address and on the other hand he says look up the street address of a user.

It is obviously intended as a sales lander and to discourage anyone from signing up.

Now if someone does sign up anyways then there better be an iron clad agreement that he can terminate the service if the domain sells.
Odd...click on the image you posted it go to ,it appears,the susan.ca link you posted.doesn’t reslove.

I see these “get your email with this domain” out there quite often and have often wodered about any guarantees they won’t sell the domain and leave you hanging.
jaydub said:
Odd...click on the image you posted it go to ,it appears,the susan.ca link you posted.doesn’t reslove.

I see these “get your email with this domain” out there quite often and have often wondered about any guarantees they won’t sell the domain and leave you hanging.

I fixed the link, it appears adding www to the address will not resolve.
There has to be a point where you have to look at the probability of selling that domain in your lifetime and whether it’s worth putting hundreds of dollars in that domain. You have to be aware that not every domain will sell. So for a domain that you are renewing and not selling you have to make up that lost money somehow. The nice thing is everyone has a different angle with domain names. Not every person uses the same approach and not everyone values the domain names the same.

I think every year I drop names and most of the time they do get picked up. I don’t feel bad about it; it’s part of the business. The ones I do own, I want to make sure they are developable.
I was talking with the owner of these landers earlier this year. He is from out west and owns thousands of .ca’s and is/was very active in the TBR’s and a super nice guy. Beef.ca is also the same which went for a pretty penny in a TBR.

Last I heard, him and Epik.com are working on something for the .ca’s via all.ca. I don’t have much detail but I can try and find out any progress.
Several UDRP precedents have been set whereby a "paid email service" has been held up as a viable business usage, thereby negating any TM claims, so I'm thinking that's at least part of why so many valuable .CAs are under that lander.
DomainRecap said:
Several UDRP precedents have been set whereby a "paid email service" has been held up as a viable business usage, thereby negating any TM claims, so I'm thinking that's at least part of why so many valuable .CAs are under that lander.

And that explains why he then actively discourages you from getting one because of this...

Exactly - he's selling email addresses but he's really not selling email addresses.
Yeah, that's Ben Van Dyk's domains. I too had offered email services for many years, but only on name based domains. Very few were ever willing to sign up, and the few that did were more hassle than it was worth. As such, I have recently scrapped that approach myself, it simply didn't create any revenue stream to justify it. If anything, it most likely turns away casual sales inquiries (which you may argue is good or bad).

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