POLL: Market Pages URL Structure (2.Viewing)

What is your preferred Market Page URL structure

  • dn.ca/pages/user

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dn.ca/other/user - please specify other in topic

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Domain Business
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I have spent a lot of time cleaning up the URL structure of the board.

I am still trying to decide on the URL structure for the free market pages.

The board url structure is dn.ca/members/name etc.

So if I give away dn.ca/name there is a possibility a name could interfere with folder structure on a future upgrade.

So I was thinking of reserving...

DN.ca/market/user or DN.ca/pages/user

Since the official description is going to be Market Pages I figure one of those two words should work.

What is your preference?

Remember Market Pages are going to grow into fully functioning member websites so we have to carefully decide the URL structure before launching the product.

Blogging sites traditionally use site.ca/pages/user so I am voting for site.ca/market/user because they will be Market Pages and the word Market is descriptive as to what it is.

Chime in below.
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Would anyone be more apt to use Market Pages if the address was:

dn.ca/user instead of dn.ca/market/user

Using a straight dn.ca/user platform has to be closely monitored to make sure nothing interferes with the board url structure that is why I shied away from it.

That said it is possible to do, it would add a bit to my workload and I would do it only if it dramatically increased the user uptake.

DN.ca/user would be pretty cool. For me it would be DN.ca/MapleDots with each user having similar.
I would prefer it to be dn.ca/user but to be honest I don’t think I would ever feel comfortable doing that. I like having complete control with my own domain. Not sure about everyone else but that’s why you may have some hesitation with the market pages.
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I would prefer it to be dn.ca/user but to be honest I don’t think I would ever feel comfortable doing that. I like having complete control with my own domain. Not sure about everyone else but that’s why you may have some hesitation with the market pages.

The market pages are basically a link to your other pages, see below

The dn.ca/user could be problematic with domain being so common and that being used in our structure.

Look at my page and see what you think, you never for a second lose control of your domains, you just have a completely commission free place to conduct business with integrated messaging.

You can still use other marketplaces but why not try this too and save the commission.

See any one of my domains and then look at the irl bar where it points too.... Red.ca as an example
Hey guys

As most of you know I have been busy putting everything in place for our DN.ca Marketpages.

I have mine all done now and am asking for feedback to see what members think.

Each member gets a unique dn.ca/market/user domain and a topic they can edit forever.
They can also delete other members posts on their marketpages.

I made mine to be simple and clean giving members an idea of what they can do but you can get as creative as you want.

You can reach my market page at: dn.ca/market/mapledots or buy visiting a number of my domains like red.ca.

Let me know what you think and keep in mind the market pages are still in beta for now.

When you vist the forum you will also notice the page address is in each members topic title.

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