Predictions on who GoDaddy will acquire next? (1.Viewing)

Domain is forwarding to GoDaddy because the seller has the Afternic verification name server.

Andrew Miller wanted to buy Dan and GoDaddy beat him to it. He said this in a podcast after the investment in Atom. He talked about acquiring a registrar so Atom might become a registrar soon.

Will they sell? Everyone has a price.
Domain is forwarding to GoDaddy because the seller has the Afternic verification name server.

Yes I saw that but it gave me the idea, thinking who would be on the list next.

When it comes to deep pockets GoDaddy can buy almost anyone, I think eventually Atom will be on the shortlist, especially if they keep innovating.
I say no one.

GoDaddy is in serious trouble with certain investment groups and some execs have been fired or demoted for not hitting their profit goals. This would be the absolute worst time to run around throwing lots of money at competitors (that you full intend to close down) as it would hammer immediate profits into the ground and thus cost a lot of high-paying jobs.

The plan at GoDaddy right now is to keep cranking up the prices and fees (a la Boost and renewal fees) and trying to monetize everything that isn't nailed down (a la the GD Valuation Tool). The goal is increasing cashflows and shareholder value, not wantonly burning money.
If their goal was to increase profits, they're going in reverse right now.

That's what happens when you make stupid decisions to sooth a pack of whining hyenas posing as investors. You're then forced to make even dumber decisions to raise short-term cash, like cranking prices, firing workers, and auctioning off some of your valuable portfolio of domains.

GoDaddy is a rudderless company right now.

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