Private Name Server Question (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
I am still trying to do bulk forwards at WHC and at this point forwards still have to be done on a per domain basis.

So I had a thought....

Would a Private Nameserver not be the answer?

I would assume I go to WHC, designate a domain as a private nameserver and point it to a directory right?

Then I could bulk select domains, point them to my private nameserver and have them default to that directory?

Am I on the right track or am I missing something?

@FM is there a tutorial about this somewhere or is there a better way of doing it?
Thinking about this I would probably need a private IP address instead of shared hosting right?

So if I too a domain like and moved it to my WHC web hosting account technically I could use it assuming I got a dedicated ip address right?

Question is....

Screenshot (39).png

It allows me to specify and right now I entered my shared IP address.

So I assume when I add to my cpanel account I would specify the directory there.
CIRA won't let you use the same IP for both nameservers, so you'd need an extra IP. But generally speaking it's not good practice to run the DNS servers on the same server either way.

As for the general ability to run private nameservers on our hosting, I've checked with our team, and this is not really something we support currently - it's the whole architecture and design of Cpanel that makes this difficult as far as I understand.
ETA on bulk forwards?
Just working on the priorities for our next financial quarter, can't make any promises. But it's good to know that others are looking for this too.

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