Pull droplist straight from CIRA (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Domain Business
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Screenshot (29).png

There is a new UK forum and they pull the drop list live as it happens.

Looking at the picture above you can see CIRA has the information public, all I have to do is scrap the data and publish it here automatically live as it happens.

I may need a volunteer to help with that, if not I might hire someone.

I know we can get the list weekly from cira but I'm looking for a way to incorporate it into dn.ca with a link right to where you can place the backorder like they do at:
UK Domain Name Forum: Buy, Sell, and Discuss UK Domains

Screenshot (30).png

So then I would place a menu into the top links and the drop list would appear live with a link to backorder at the drop catcher.

We can even go one better and publish the lists each week of who caught it and how to order.

I can work with a drop catcher or do this on my own but it's a natural evolution for the site and the UK forums have already incorporated it so I don't see why we cannot get this done at dn.ca

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