WANTED Purchasing One Word .com's Price 1-200K+ USD (1 Viewing)

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  • Replies: Replies 3
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Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
I received this email from Igor at it.com

I know Igor and this email is 100% legit

My name is Igor. I am a domain broker and head of the IT.COM brokerage service. I provide a full range of services related to the purchase and sale of domain names (including trademarks), Internet projects and other intellectual property.
The company is an ICANN accredited registrar.

I have a client who is interested in purchasing a domain consisting of one English dictionary word .com (without additional characters or words).
The date of registration does not matter.

Price 1-200K+ USD.
It is possible to purchase any number of names in this range.

Please write a list of names with prices. (Names without a price will not be considered).

The transaction with the client is carried out through the escrow.com service
By agreement of the parties, I can help with paying the bill. For example, USDT cryptocurrency, Paypal, bank payment.

Always available for “live” dialogue in the Telegram messenger (t.me/linkoeln). Be sure to ask your questions, I will try to answer them in detail.
Sincerely, Igor.

I thought I would post this in case anyone else has some nice .com's that fit the bill and you could email him directly.

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