Purged CDRP Decisions (1 Viewing)


Dec 19, 2020
Ever check out CDRP decisions and notice how some cases are missing, according to their case numbers?

For example, if you look for the very first CDRP decisions listed you will see that cases 0004, 0005, and 006 are missing. See below:


Not sure why these cases have been excluded from their list but here's list with links for all cases that cannot be found on CIRA's website today:

00004 cheaptickets.ca 2003-01-31 : https://web.archive.org/web/2012120...spute/2003/00004Bcheapticketscadecisionen.pdf

00004-A cheaptickets.ca 2003-02-06

00005 ceofunds.ca 2003-02-28 : https://web.archive.org/web/2011070...al/Dispute/2003/00005CEOFUNDSCADECISIONen.pdf

00006 radiocanada.ca 2003-04-08 : https://web.archive.org/web/2012120...l/Dispute/2003/00006radiocanadadecisionen.pdf

00135 forsale.ca $5000 award : https://web.archive.org/web/20100919204505/http://www.cira.ca/assets/Uploads/00135-forsale-ca2.pdf

00138 shopnchek.ca 2009-07-27 : https://web.archive.org/web/20100919204001/http://cira.ca/assets/Uploads/00138-shopnchek.ca.pdf

00139 nationalsafetycouncils.ca 2009-10-08 : http://cira.ca/assets/Uploads/00139-nationalsafetycouncils.ca.pdf

00140 redbrickpizza.ca 2009-11-23 : https://web.archive.org/web/2012120....ca/assets/Uploads/00140-redbrickpizza.ca.pdf

00142 familyhonda.ca 2009-12-14 : https://web.archive.org/web/20111120000707/http://cira.ca:80/assets/Uploads/00142-familyhonda.ca.pdf

00143 windows7.ca 2010-02-02 : https://web.archive.org/web/2014111....ca:80/assets/Uploads/00143-micsosoft7.ca.pdf

00145 sickchildren.ca 2010-02-08 : https://web.archive.org/web/2012120...a.ca/assets/Uploads/00145-sickchildren.ca.pdf

00147 mabelslabels.ca 2010-03-27 : https://web.archive.org/web/20120715191005/http://cira.ca/assets/Uploads/00147-mabelslabels.ca.pdf

00175 gotomeeting.ca 2011-10-28 : https://web.archive.org/web/20120601053741/http://cira.ca/assets/Uploads/00175-gotomeeting.ca3.pdf

00210 kay.ca 2012-11-20 : https://web.archive.org/web/20130910134523/http://cira.ca/assets/Uploads/00210-Decision.pdf
For cheaptickets.ca, I believe there was a lawsuit that followed. Too bad Peter M. is not a big forum participant, he doesn't mind telling the story normally.
FM said:
For cheaptickets.ca, I believe there was a lawsuit that followed. Too bad Peter M. is not a big forum participant, he doesn't mind telling the story normally.

I don't know about a lawsuit, but he did get the "CHEAP TICKETS" AND "CHEAP TICKETS AND TRAVEL & DESIGN" TMs expunged due to being descriptive.


How "Cheap Tickets" ever got a TM should have been investigated as that decision stinks like a week-old fish dinner.
DomainRecap said:
I don't know about a lawsuit, but he did get the "CHEAP TICKETS" AND "CHEAP TICKETS AND TRAVEL & DESIGN" TMs expunged due to being descriptive.


How "Cheap Tickets" ever got a TM should have been investigated as that decision stinks like a week-old fish dinner.

That case has been cited as a precedent several times too:

https://www.canlii.org/en/#search/o...sc&nquery1=2008 FCA 50 (CanLII)&linkedNoteup=
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Has anyone figured out why some of these cases are missing? Specifically Kay.ca? Interested to know more about this.

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