Put this rumor to bed (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

Hey everyone,

I've received a few emails from members asking me if I was leaving DN.ca.

I understand a lot of you have seen my new project at NamePost.com but I want to assure you I am committed to dn.ca and am not going anywhere. In fact I have doubled down on my commitment to the board and even placed a resource link on both boards linking the two.

I have also forwarded NamePost.ca to DN.ca just in case we can pick up some traffic that way.

So don't worry, I am here to stay, the only thing I was contemplating was switching software to Xenforo which I am using on namepost but the members here made it clear they wanted me to keep dn the way it was so that is what I am doing.

Anyways, Merry Christmas if I don't connect with you until then, please take the time to post back once in a while so we can keep the momentum going.
Groot said:
It's good to have a proper .CA home! :)

Merry Christmas! *DRINK*

And totally unique software, very heavily modified to suit our needs.
You will be hard pressed to find a similar domaining look and feel.

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