Announces Domain Appraisal Tool (1 Viewing)


Dec 19, 2020

Today, is thrilled to introduce a new Domain Appraisal tool to the domain market. Our innovative approach to domain appraising will give companies and domain investors the most accurate assessment available to gauge their domain’s value in today’s market.

Our tool is an invaluable, and necessary service in the industry. For enterprise level companies, domain investors and any other entrepreneurs looking for more information when buying a domain name.

With over twenty years of experience in the industry, we understand the many elements that go into providing an expert valuation of a domain. This tool will further assist in the transparency of website domain valuation and provide customers with accessible, accurate information on their domain.

Read The Press Release
For more information on the Domain Appraisal Tool, read our official press release here Domain Appraisal Tool
A good domain appraisal tool is frequently hard to come by and subjective. Our goal was to create a honest, reliable appraisal tool that provides all the detailed information you need on a domain, in seconds.

Our Domain Appraisal tool provides data, like the estimated fair market value and shows how it compares to other domains on the Internet. Making our tool stand out amongst all other appraisals on the market.

How Does it Work?
Are you starting a business and in the market for a new domain name? Looking to sell your domain in the near future? Simply want to know more information about a particular domain?

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a domain, our free, instant domain name appraisal tool will help you understand the true value of any domain.

Simply type in the domain name you are looking to appraise. In seconds see all the information you need will be at your fingertips:

- Estimated fair market value of the domain name
- Information on if domain is registered or available
- A breakdown of the domain name value
- Information on the acquisition and sale process
- A free domain appraisal certificate

There are so many elements that go into appraising a domain name. This includes the age of the domain, TLD designation, length. Furthermore, brandability, keyword popularity, internet traffic, origin of language, previous sale price if available, search volume of the keyword, and many others. We believe that you should have 100% of this information. With this tool, you can.

Why a Domain Appraisal Tool?
For over twenty years, our team has helped entrepreneurs around the globe buy and sell domain names. A common question we received – Why does this domain cost what it costs?

Well, we made a tool to answer this question.

At we value transparency. From the day you inquire about a domain, to the day we close the sale with you – you will have 100% transparency from us. Domain appraisal can be confusing for those outside of the industry. There are so many elements that go into appraisal and frequently no reliable place to find that valuable information.

So, we created the Domain Appraisal Tool to keep you, our customers, educated on everything domains. Everything you need to know about your domain, at your fingertips. For free. A domain appraisal tool that provides all the information and history you need and that adjusts with the current market.

Try our Domain Appraisal Tool now!

At, we love domains and everything they encompass. With over twenty years of experience in the industry, we have made it our mission to help companies and organizations understand digital assets’ role in the ever-changing internet landscape, every step of the way. We specialize in domain acquisition, appraisal, company naming, branding, brand protection, portfolio management services and more.

No matter the nature, stage, or size of your company, we believe in helping you be seen online. Additionally, we pride ourselves in our transparency through the entire process. If you are interested in speaking with an expert from our domain brokerage service about buying a domain, contact us! Our domain brokers would love to speak with you.

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The domain king is going to go off on a tangent about this one for sure.
MapleDots said:
The domain king is going to go off on a tangent about this one for sure.

I don't think you will like them either..



But for themselves, they gave a big pat on the back..

And then many times can they fail like this:

Something is wrong... comes out nicely

I'd better hurry and register pink before someone else does. \m/

Actually their appraisals for .ca are spot on for wholesale value.
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MapleDots said:
Actually their appraisals for .ca are spot on for wholesale value.

More like the Godaddy valuation tool, that assists their brokers.
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Hot damn. I've hit the jackpot. You know those places that will "sell your house or we'll buy it from you!" ??? I wonder if Saw does that?? If so, I'm going shopping for a slightly used oligarch mega yacht!

Follow the REDCARPET and then REDLINE it on the RUGGED WILDERNESS SUMMIT TOURS. Then do some WEBDESIGN for fun.

Ok, lets see who can beat $120,008,000 valuation for a 2-word .ca domain name????

Crap, never mind, that wasn't has hard as I thought it would be. BET comes in at 2,900,013,000. $3 billion?? lol.

I have to say, I like some of their valuations. Others, not so much. A few kinks to work out there.
I'm not sure I understand [notify]rlm[/notify]. I checked some of these names and don't see anything similar. Is it possible the appraisals have been updated since your post?
Esdiel said:
I'm not sure I understand [notify]rlm[/notify]. I checked some of these names and don't see anything similar. Is it possible the appraisals have been updated since your post?

Yes indeed. Don't know if that was a trick to bid high on the TBR domain. I too saw the almost 3B valuation on but is now down to $42K and down to $35K.

Should have sold it yesterday!!! Too late now.. :D :D :D
Yeah i guess that is what is happening. I checked some of them several times to see if they were repeatedly showing the same crazy data and at the time, they were. But it wasn’t happening on every domain, just the odd one.
Just tried one of my names (twice) and it told me it wasn't registered. News to me :)

It worked for another one and gave me a decent wholesale value, but lower than what I would ask for it
Spex said:
Just tried one of my names (twice) and it told me it wasn't registered. News to me :)

I am not surprised. It did the same with
Eby said:
I am not surprised. It did the same with

Wait.... that one is still not registered...??
I tend to agree, if it's not been registered all this time it's probably junk :D
CanuckDomains said: $640,000 :D

Damn I was going to offer you a paltry 150k, I guess I have no chance now.

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