Scammer trying to sell me my own effing domain, lol. (2.Viewing)

Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
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So I received the following email today (I've removed the domain name) but I happen to own the .CA version and the .COM version (which has whois privacy).


Hi there!

<domain>.com is being put on sale, and since you own <domain>.ca we thought this might be of some interest to you? If so, please let us know and we will send you more info about this sale.

If this does not concern you, we apologize and wish you a nice day!
Saimir Dushku

While I periodically get emails like this, I typically ignore them, but in this case, I knew I already owned this domain.

So watch out, don't fall for this. If you did own the .ca and didn't already own the .com, you might be tempted. Of course you'd hopefully never ever do a transaction with someone like this unless you were using

I replied to him "of course I'm interested, what are you asking?". I'll tell him to initiate an transaction and see how he handles that...
I replied to him "of course I'm interested, what are you asking?". I'll tell him to initiate an transaction and see how he handles that...
Please keep us updated 🙃
Well, its pretty weird that I just got another similar email, but from a different email address:

This time it was on a different domain, registered at the same registrar as the other, where I own both the .ca and the .com, and the .com is under whois privacy.
Sometimes the spam button can be your friend.

I tend to spam most emails with ip's outside of North America. I can't remember selling anything overseas from my portfolio. I have bought a few .com's from India and such because I got them cheap but have not sold anything to speak of to a foreign IP.
Sometimes the spam button can be your friend.

I tend to spam most emails with ip's outside of North America. I can't remember selling anything overseas from my portfolio. I have bought a few .com's from India and such because I got them cheap but have not sold anything to speak of to a foreign IP.

Off the top of my head, I've definitely sold .ca to buyers from US, Germany, England, Switzerland, India, Costa Rica, and I'm sure others.

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